
October 29, 2012

My father, the ballin' funeral director

So I was talking to my mom via FB about Halloween, which unfortunately I'll be missing this year. Here was a good portion of our conversation:


Mom: So, I'm sending you a picture of Dad's Halloween decorations - with added decor
Me: lol, okay

Me: do I want to know how dad got that from work to the house? is it even legal to steal caskets?
Mom: used a van - but get this, he and Kiera brought it in the front door of the house when he got home. Just that picture made me laugh my ass off. I have two more pics!

Me: the cats are such a nice touch...lovin the added decor

Mom: He didn't. It's damaged on the outside corner. Therefore, unusable.
Me: really? THAT made it unusable?

Mom: yeah, because it won't seal.
Me: lmao, does it matter once the persons dead? its a box, its totally usuable

Mom: no. it doesn't matter to the dead, but legalities and codes are such that that's what has to be. Hope you can open them there...this is in the room we cleaned for Grandma in the bay window. Appropriate, yes?

Mom: Happy Halloween! MUHAHAHAHA
Me: you people have wayyyy too much time on your hands lol and this is all totally going in my blog btw

Mom: No, not really. Well, now we kinda do cause all NJ schools are closed today and probably tomorrow.

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