
October 28, 2012

Roman Vacation: 10/27 - Saturday

Thanks to the stupid thunderstorm last night, I woke up at 4.30am. I eventually fell back asleep and woke up around 11.30am. After enjoying some more of my book with some coffee next to my open balcony windows, I got ready for the day. The sun was out by this point so I kept thinking, What on earth am I going to do with myself today? Usually I'm on a schedule and it's honestly very strange when you aren't on your usual schedule in a different country. You just don't know what to do with yourself...

But, as this would only happen to me, there were a huge group of extremely aggravating teenagers outside my apartment building. With a huge microphone - one of those stupid cone things - and I have NO IDEA where the hell they could have possibly gotten one of those...but whatever. After listening to their Italian-phrase-screaming through this giant microphone, I watched some of the Italian news with Rosa. Then I left...for somewhere to do something.

I was planning to walk to school, the original goal being to watch the latest episode of Vampire Diaries that refused to work the other day. Instead, I realized that Piazza Mazzini, a little piazza near my apartment, was pretty tranquil-looking this morning. I had my planner & notebook on me so I just sat down near the water and started writing...and writing and writing.

I was dying to see the latest Vampire Diaries episode (no pun intended), but also wanted to walk by some shops to get some winter shopping done. But instead, I took advantage of the absolutely gorgeous day with the sun directly warming Piazza Mazzini, what I think is the most hidden treasure in the Lepanto area. I sat down to write about the day and plan things out, but instead I started reflecting. And I will add a separate post about that.

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