
October 1, 2012

After a month in Rome...

After living in Rome for a month, here's what I've learned:

- There are different kinds of Nutella! Yep, it's true! Read about it here!

- Finding peanut butter is rare.

- You don't have to pay taxes on food & clothes. You pay what the tag says, no extra crap.

- Teenagers are still as aggravating as in the US, even if they don't speak the same language.

- When a random person wants to hug you because you're cute, just do it & don't ask questions.

- Italian men wish you were wearing as little clothing as possible, but since that's trashy here, they'd rather just do it themselves or undress you with their eyes. Either way, seeing you naked will still be accomplished if they think you're gorgeous.

- One of the first things someone will say to you, if they know you're American, is "Obama or Romney?"

- So far, I have counted 10 couples kissing making out in public that I've walked by. Awkward.

- Italians drive as many mopeds/vespas as cars on the road.

- They have no need for stop lights & speed limits here. Actually, I haven't seen ONE speed limit sign anywhere.

- There's a church about every 7 blocks here so the only excuse you should use when you don't get to church on Sunday is that you were insanely hungover. Don't say you're atheist in a catholic country.

- The clubs (discotecas) here are SERIOUS. These guys want to DANCE WITH YOU! Prepare yourself.

- Don't tell anyone where you're really from when they ask you. Only tell the people you actually know from the US. Or else they'll call you "Snooki" for the rest of the night...

- Food at grocery stores are cheaper than vending machines.

- Everyone is a morning person in Italy.

- The women here don't use toilet paper. Ever.

- Drinking coffee every morning can accomplish anything.

- Shoes/slippers must always be worn around the house. Even after you shower.

- Never eat at your desk. There's a separate table in your room for that.

- Underwear & regular clothes are done separately. Always.

- Your bed isn't for your backpack after a long day. It's only for you to sleep in, so the rest of your things should never be on your bed because they carry germs.

- Never charade "toilet paper" when you don't know what it is in Italian. Ever.


  1. Nightwing4410/07/2012

    Really? Only 10 couples, thought there would be more :P & I'm gonna look into this Nutella, that sounds awesome! Anyway, glad to see you're having a good time! Can't wait to hear more about Italy!

  2. I'm actually up to 17 now.
