
October 30, 2012

Fall & Winter Must-Haves!

The fall & winter weather are fun every year!
Here are some thing that I personally love to take advantage of around this time of year:
- Halloween
- anything pumpkin! (cookies, pie, carving, roasted pumpkin seeds, spice lattes from Starbucks...)
- trick-or-treating
- decorations for all the holidays
- Thanksgiving
- Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade...always a classic
- Christmas
- Midnight mass
- snow...I always want lots of snow for Christmas
- hot chocolate
- extremely oversized/comfy sweats (shirts & pants)!
- a TON of movies for the holidays
- fire in the fireplace
- holiday candles
- Mom's special sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top!
- since it's out there now, GIANT MARSHMALLOWS! yum!
- the holiday Pandora playlists going....even when you're in your dorm room

- Christmas tree decorating....even though I have like a billion ornaments
- being outside in the snow in general....I love the cold weather!
- fighting my siblings for fresh cookies! HA!
- cinnamon buns....makes a great day no matter what mood you're in
- gingerbread houses!
- laughing at the little kids taking pictures with Santa at the mall

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