
April 15, 2013

When the waitress thought we were high

The weekend was amazing! There was a ball on campus Friday night that I went to. A friend and I got dressed up and went. It was a ton of fun! After that, a few dancers and myself drove to NJ for the Rutgers Ballroom Dance competition! We all did really well and bonded so much over the weekend. We all had a great time & I'm glad they all enjoyed the weekend!

We certainly had some weird moments: after the competition was over on Saturday, we went to iHop for dinner and were so overtired from the late drive the previous night that the waitress thought we were high. We weren't, we were just all exhausted. But she had a great time with us...and gave me some interesting dating advice, hahaha.

We went to a 7/11 later Saturday night for a slurpee/ice cream run and spent the rest of the night chilling. The weather was gorgeous all weekend in NJ & it was one of the best weekends in a long time.

Hopefully future dance competitions will be as fun as this one :)

Checkout the Piggy-Back Tango Fun Dance from the Competition!

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