
April 28, 2013

Challenge Week 6

Dear Readers,

I'm trying to write a few good posts each week since the end of the semester has been hectic! So tonight, I'm beginning Challenge Week 6! Ask any & all questions you can think of! I know I usually let it run for a week, but I'll extend it since finals are coming up...and  I'll add something new.

Challenge Week 6 - starts now & ends Friday, May 10 @ midnight!

Here's something new: 
Answer as many as you can in the comment section below!

1. What's my first name?
2. Where am I from (which state)?
3. What's my favorite color?
4. What's my favorite sport?
5. What country/city was I in last semester?


  1. Anonymous4/29/2013

    1. Marie
    2. New Jersey
    3. Green ? (I'm not sure)
    4. Basketball
    5. Italy

  2. Anonymous4/30/2013

    can I know which one is wrong? :)

  3. Hahaha not until 5/10

  4. Anonymous5/14/2013

    Sooo... which one was wrong?

  5. Favorite color is blue :)
