
April 27, 2013

Put it in a love song

It's crunch time.

My junior year is coming to the end and I have so many unanswered questions. 

I'm still trying to figure out a summer job to stay in DC, plus housing. And I'm thinking about taking a ballet class.

I've learned that I love to dance - I mean, I already knew that but I never thought I'd feel this passionate about dancing outside Ballroom.

My dad is spending the weekend with me in DC and we've spent all day together - lunch on campus, walking around the National Mall, seeing the Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian Castle, reconnecting with a family friend in NE DC, and going to a Thai place for dinner. It's been a long day.

But it's been a long 2 weeks or so. I know - every post I say this, but it's true. My internship is coming to an end, which I'm bittersweet about. My semester is coming to an end which I don't want because most of my friends are going home. Ballroom received a Leadership/Service Award, my little sister turned 16 and went to her first prom with her boyfriend. There's just so much going on.

My love life is a fail. The guy I liked had a thing for someone else. I've been spending more time singing and dancing and socializing with friends. I've been applying to jobs all over DC and throwing my resume out like free candy. I'm mentally and emotionally all over the place and I just can't catch a break. Right now, I'm really feeling like everything could be so much better, but it isn't looking up at the moment. It's making me crazy - my grades are good but not what I want since some of my profs are being ridiculously difficult, I'm in denial that everything is coming to an end, and I just wish I was in a better head space.

Now that that's all out of my system -- here are the positives:
I've been getting calls for jobs.
I've found some amazing new songs.
I'm creating choreography to these newly discovered songs.
I'm moving on.
I'm reading more.

Put it in a love song by Alicia Keys IS FANTASTIC! = new choreo :)

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