
April 1, 2013

Challenge Week 5: Answers

Anonymous: What do you do if you like someone and you ask them if they would like to go steady, but they say no. Except they would still like to hang out and make out on occasion? 

My Answer: I would assume I'm being used as a hookup. Personally I think that's sloppy. I would much rather spend my time with someone who proves they are worth it than waste time on someone who is just using me as a friend with benefits. That's disgusting. This person won't go out with you on ONE date, but just wants a hookup buddy? I say screw that. Move on.

I like a guy now but I don't think I'm gonna ask him out - mainly cause that's not the girl's move to make but whatever. I'm old school. If I DID and he said no but still wanted to eat my face, I'd turn that down immediately cause it proves he isn't worth my time. Besides, think about it - how many people do you think asked this person out and then were used as make out buddies when he/she turned them down? Pick one: good friend or hookup. If you choose hookup, don't expect to be friends when he/she actually decides to go steady with someone who isn't you.

Anonymous: A song that pumps you up. Where did you first hear it and why does it pump you up?

My Answer: That's tough - I mean my Spotify playlist is all over the I can't choose ONE song. I'd say any good songs that might be played at a club or at parties would pump me up. Examples: I could be the one by Avicii & Nicky Romero (party music), Limbo Remix by Daddy Yankee (latin/reggaeton music - I might also use it for Latin Ballroom Dancing), Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood (country music - which I normally tend to stay away from), almost every song by Drake or Eminem (rap music), Radioactive by Imagine Dragons (rock music), and anything by Josh Groban. My music taste is eclectic and all over the radar, but hopefully you get the point.

Any of these songs would pump me up - whether the lyrics strike me, the beat makes me wanna dance, or the song itself makes me feel on top of the world. It gets the job done & songs like these start my day - every day.

Anonymous: Is there anything in life that you feel is holding you back?

My Answer: Absolutely not. I'm not one to be held back by anything, including money. With the economy and the ridiculous tuition rates today, it's tough. But I would never step on anyone else to pay back loans or to gain a promotion that would pay me more. What I do now and what I'll do in my future are based on everything else except money. I know that I have a lot to pay back when I graduate, but I know it will all be okay and that things will workout. I don't let anyone or anything hold me back from the things I want to achieve. So, no - absolutely nothing holds me back. Including the things that probably should - people not approving of my choices, money, opponents trying to tear me down, others thinking I should reconsider certain choices, etc. The list goes on, but those happen in life. Nothing holds me back and I wouldn't pause my life for anything. 

Anonymous: Is there a place, song, or movie which reminds you of childhood? Or takes you back to that moment when life was simple?

My Answer: One of my favorite Disney movies growing up was Robin Hood -  you know, the sexy-sounding fox version. And for whatever reason, I always thought that movie was attractive. The amazing guy - who's also a bad boy but you go for him anyway - who sweeps you off your feet into some great fantasy romance life and saves everyone or makes everyone's lives better. That's the guy you fall in love with. 

I always loved that movie and I was watching it with some friends via YouTube last year. I always loved how everything was carefree when I was little, how I thought boys had cooties, and how fun everything could be. I'm still a little girl sometimes - I still enjoy the swing sets at the park near home and walking around my hometown in Jersey. But Robin Hood just made it all look so attractive, even in the eyes of a little girl. I knew everything had a way of working out - the money didn't matter because the greedy people were robbed, love had no limits despite social statuses, and everybody had somebody to share their special moments with. 

It makes life looks so easy when you're little. Then when you actually step into the real world, grow up, and experience life, you realize there's no knight in shining armor and the only one who can make you happy is yourself. And for some people, that's the hardest thing to understand. 

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