
April 28, 2013

Challenge Week 6: Answers

Anonymous: What are you most worried about for the future? This sounds a little depressing but we all have certain worries about the future & its uncertainty. Let's make up for it by asking a fun question, what's your favorite color? :D

My Answer: One of my worst fears is actually being lonely. I would hate to graduate college and have nothing to come home to. In the next 2 years, I expect I'll have a secure job, a Master's degree, and my own place somewhere. I have family and friends, but sometimes that knowledge alone isn't enough. So I think I'll invest in a dog :) And my favorite color is...part of the rainbow ;)

Anonymous: Why are you staying in DC this summer?

My Answer: Aside from loving the DMV (DC/Maryland/Virginia) area, I'm working in DC this summer. Well, I don't have a solid job right now but I hope to soon so I can start working right after finals. I need a change of scenery from NJ. 

Anonymous: As this school year comes to an end, what was the best moment that happened to you? 

My Answer: If I absolutely had to choose one moment in particular, it would probably be my Senior Intern offer from a hospital in DC. Next year I'll be interning there for my last year of my undergrad degree. I'll be working in the Nursing & Rehab Center of the hospital with the elderly residents. Since I'm going into Social Work, I've decided to dedicate my life to working with a specific population - which most don't do until their later years, usually during/after they've earned their Masters. But I already know that I want to work with those on the end of life spectrum - the chronically ill and elderly. I couldn't have been happier when I read the email stating that the hospital wanted me to intern there as a Senior Intern to work one-on-one with the residents. I was so excited I was dancing around my room and screaming! It's such a little thing to claim is my "best moment" of the semester, but you really don't know what it means to have your dream handed to you until it happens.

Anonymous: What's your origin story? The moment in your life when something inside you woke up and you knew exactly the kind of person you wanted to become or what you wanted to do with your life.

My Answer: This comes with a heavy answer. I always knew I wanted to be a good person. Thanks to the kids I grew up with in school, I learned exactly what I DIDN'T want to do in life. As I grew up and got to high school, I realized that I was way too shy but I wasn't bold enough to stand out from the crowd. So I was a shy, little girl. My grandpa passed away before I graduated high school. While I was taking care of my grandma and watching my grandpa attempt to fight for his life and slowly slip away, it all hit me - I wanted to have a strong and loving relationship like the one between my grandparents (which was 67 years when my grandpa passed away), I wanted to have a great education, and I wanted to do something important! But I wasn't sure where any of that was or how to get it.

When I got to college, I became a little bolder. I made new friends that supported me and filtered out the rest. I grew up - emotionally, physically, mentally. I went into college thinking being a veterinarian was my calling, when in reality my grandpa's death was actually my wake up call. A few weeks into my freshman year, a close friend in her mid-50s died of breast cancer. I spent time reflecting on the death of these two amazing people in my life. Though I was significantly closer to one over the other, they both played important roles in my life. I realized that working with chronically ill and elderly populations was my calling, and that I could do so much to help these people in need.

In the end, I think I'm a good person. I'm not perfect, I certainly have my flaws. I have a Jersey temper and a confrontational attitude, but I would do anything to help someone and I'm definitely someone you want in your corner. Pursuing my career in Social Work matured me by years. So yes, I might be 20 - and look a lot younger (or older - whatever). But getting my hands dirty and feeling accomplished with what I've done at the end of the day is the best achievement. I'm not afraid of getting dirty or helping others deal with cancer or death or aging. It's just what I do. I'm the best person in the worst situations because I've been there and I know how to get through them. And I can't wait to graduate, get a job, and be able to be HAPPY - truly happy - doing what I love every day. I don't care how much or how little money I make. That's not what Social Work is about. I want to specialize in Gerontology/Geriatrics and, while I might not make a lot of money, I'll be helping so many people in so many different ways. That's the kind of person I want to be. I can only hope to live up to my goals and continue to learn. And of course, hope that God is behind me every step of the way!

Anonymous: Is it bad if someone keeps bringing up times with their ex? I know they don't care for them anymore, but it still bothers me a bit that they have them on their mind so much.

My Answer: This depends on your relationship with this person - whether you're just friends with this person or if you're currently dating or whatever the relationship is between you two. If you're just friends, you need to tell this person to knock it off and get over it. Yeah, I'm sure there were good times but someone doesn't just bring up moments with an ex unless they care about them. If this person is comfortable to bring it up and joke about it, then that seems more normal. If you're currently dating or planning to date this person, he/she probably cares about the ex. Either way, bring up the fact that this person has been talking way too much about their ex. He/she could be blaming themselves for why it ended, or maybe there was no closure, etc. Bring it up, talk it out, and move on.

Anonymous: Every girl I've ever been with has told me they loved me. Each of them also broke up with me. So what is love and do you think it can fade away?

My Answer: What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more...but really. This isn't about you. I don't know what love is though I've definitely told guys I've loved them. I only really know what I'd like to see in someone. And I do think that love is something that isn't meant to be understood...ever. No matter how old you get, I still don't think anyone has a definite grasp about love. But I've absolutely seen love in action between couples. I certainly think love can fade away if that passion isn't savored.

Here's my take on love: it's special and it's unique. If you say you "love" someone, or in this case vice versa, it isn't TRUE love. You can't just walk around saying "I love you" to each person you date. That's when that lovely phrase Actions speak louder than words comes in to play. If it's true love, you'll just know. They'll fight for you - not leave you. I think love is when someone will do everything to keep from losing you & she'll make you her one and only. But even if you finally meet that person and marry them, you still have to keep fighting for them - from cheating, from divorce. You still have to love, protect, and cherish each other. 

When the time is right, you'll meet the right girl. 

Challenge Week 6

Dear Readers,

I'm trying to write a few good posts each week since the end of the semester has been hectic! So tonight, I'm beginning Challenge Week 6! Ask any & all questions you can think of! I know I usually let it run for a week, but I'll extend it since finals are coming up...and  I'll add something new.

Challenge Week 6 - starts now & ends Friday, May 10 @ midnight!

Here's something new: 
Answer as many as you can in the comment section below!

1. What's my first name?
2. Where am I from (which state)?
3. What's my favorite color?
4. What's my favorite sport?
5. What country/city was I in last semester?

Teenage Dream

You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream. The way you turn me on...

I can't help looking at these guys, these boys. They're stupid, rude, hurtful. They seem like they mean every broken heart, every tear-stained pillow, every little white lie that turns out to be the largest black hole you ever fell into. Even Alice can't help you now. 

I can't sleep. Let's run away and don't ever look back...

I fell for him and I fell so damn hard. My bones won't let me inch my way back up, my heart starts pounding. I begin to shake and that's it - I'm done. I'm nervous, speechless and an utter idiot in that millisecond. It's just what he does. 

My heart stops when you look at me. Just one touch...

While everything collapses around me, there's the reason I hold on. Everyone has someone to hold on to, someone that makes them feel like the reason they are alive...or the reason they shouldn't be. There's always a reason.

April 27, 2013

April-May 2013 Pinspirations!







Put it in a love song

It's crunch time.

My junior year is coming to the end and I have so many unanswered questions. 

I'm still trying to figure out a summer job to stay in DC, plus housing. And I'm thinking about taking a ballet class.

I've learned that I love to dance - I mean, I already knew that but I never thought I'd feel this passionate about dancing outside Ballroom.

My dad is spending the weekend with me in DC and we've spent all day together - lunch on campus, walking around the National Mall, seeing the Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian Castle, reconnecting with a family friend in NE DC, and going to a Thai place for dinner. It's been a long day.

But it's been a long 2 weeks or so. I know - every post I say this, but it's true. My internship is coming to an end, which I'm bittersweet about. My semester is coming to an end which I don't want because most of my friends are going home. Ballroom received a Leadership/Service Award, my little sister turned 16 and went to her first prom with her boyfriend. There's just so much going on.

My love life is a fail. The guy I liked had a thing for someone else. I've been spending more time singing and dancing and socializing with friends. I've been applying to jobs all over DC and throwing my resume out like free candy. I'm mentally and emotionally all over the place and I just can't catch a break. Right now, I'm really feeling like everything could be so much better, but it isn't looking up at the moment. It's making me crazy - my grades are good but not what I want since some of my profs are being ridiculously difficult, I'm in denial that everything is coming to an end, and I just wish I was in a better head space.

Now that that's all out of my system -- here are the positives:
I've been getting calls for jobs.
I've found some amazing new songs.
I'm creating choreography to these newly discovered songs.
I'm moving on.
I'm reading more.

Put it in a love song by Alicia Keys IS FANTASTIC! = new choreo :)

April 15, 2013

When the waitress thought we were high

The weekend was amazing! There was a ball on campus Friday night that I went to. A friend and I got dressed up and went. It was a ton of fun! After that, a few dancers and myself drove to NJ for the Rutgers Ballroom Dance competition! We all did really well and bonded so much over the weekend. We all had a great time & I'm glad they all enjoyed the weekend!

We certainly had some weird moments: after the competition was over on Saturday, we went to iHop for dinner and were so overtired from the late drive the previous night that the waitress thought we were high. We weren't, we were just all exhausted. But she had a great time with us...and gave me some interesting dating advice, hahaha.

We went to a 7/11 later Saturday night for a slurpee/ice cream run and spent the rest of the night chilling. The weather was gorgeous all weekend in NJ & it was one of the best weekends in a long time.

Hopefully future dance competitions will be as fun as this one :)

Checkout the Piggy-Back Tango Fun Dance from the Competition!

April 8, 2013


It's Monday and I'm already freaking out for the week. I have a ton of things to do for Ballroom, there's a dance competition this weekend, and I'm just confused about life in general. The end of junior year is bittersweet. I have senior friends who are graduating in a month which feels strange. That will be me next year. After this week, I know everything will be fine. Tomorrow will be a long work day, followed by a lecture, followed by dance practice. I feel like Wednesday is the only day I really don't have much to do, while Thursday will be work on quizzes on dance practice. Friday will be alright because there's a Ball at school that I'm attending, so I'm designating that night as my night to get dressed up. And then Saturday is the competition. 

There are little things in between that make this week so much more hectic but I'm trying not to freak out about them. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade right? So I'm just working on figuring out things - my fail of a love life, dance, relationships with my friends, and apparently I have a handful of guys all over me. I find that last one hard to believe. Why is it that I can't get the one guy I actually like to notice me, but there are a handful of guys on the side fawning for my attention? I don't get it and guys are really weird. So yes - I have all kinds of dilemmas. We'll see what happens. I don't feel like having my heart broken again so I'm debating whether to actually try or not.

April 5, 2013

Recent TV Obsessions

I've never really been a huge TV fan.
Seriously. Who has time for that in college?

Lately, I've made time to keep up with my shows and realized I have a show playing each weekday. 

Monday - How I Met Your Mother

Tuesday - Smash

Wednesday - Arrow

Thursday - Vampire Diaries

Thanks to a friend, I'm now also addicted to Suits. But I've only seen the first couple episodes of the first season so I'm not caught up yet.

But still...I highly recommend all these shows! You can find all of them online for free too.

Happy Watching ;)

April 1, 2013

April's for fools

Figured the masks were all in good taste since the Founder's Day Ball is a Masquerade.




Some boys...

There's an amazing song by Death Cab for Cutie called Some Boys.
The first time I heard the song was on a TV show called Smash.

Checkout the lyrics:

Some boys are filling, some boys are filling the hole
They're making the killing at the top of the billings
Their role, and that's all that they know
But some boys don't listen, some boys don't listen at all
They don't ask for permission, they lack inhibitions
No walls, and they get what they want

But some boys don't know how to love

Some boys are singing, some boys are singing the blues
Joylessly flinging with the girls that they're bringing to their rooms
And then leave them, they're through
Some boys are sleeping, some boys are sleeping alone
Cause there's no one that's keeping them warm through evening
They know that they're on their own

Some boys don't know how to love

Some boys are filling, some boys are filling the hole
Some boys are sleeping, some boys are sleeping alone

Some boys don't know how to love [x4]

They won't get what they want

Love this song & the lyrics are true. Says me.

Anyway, I'm back in DC. It's Cherry Blossom season & it's always gorgeous!

I can't wait to walk around the city and takes pictures!
Hopefully it isn't horribly cold ALL spring...

Challenge Week 5: Answers

Anonymous: What do you do if you like someone and you ask them if they would like to go steady, but they say no. Except they would still like to hang out and make out on occasion? 

My Answer: I would assume I'm being used as a hookup. Personally I think that's sloppy. I would much rather spend my time with someone who proves they are worth it than waste time on someone who is just using me as a friend with benefits. That's disgusting. This person won't go out with you on ONE date, but just wants a hookup buddy? I say screw that. Move on.

I like a guy now but I don't think I'm gonna ask him out - mainly cause that's not the girl's move to make but whatever. I'm old school. If I DID and he said no but still wanted to eat my face, I'd turn that down immediately cause it proves he isn't worth my time. Besides, think about it - how many people do you think asked this person out and then were used as make out buddies when he/she turned them down? Pick one: good friend or hookup. If you choose hookup, don't expect to be friends when he/she actually decides to go steady with someone who isn't you.

Anonymous: A song that pumps you up. Where did you first hear it and why does it pump you up?

My Answer: That's tough - I mean my Spotify playlist is all over the I can't choose ONE song. I'd say any good songs that might be played at a club or at parties would pump me up. Examples: I could be the one by Avicii & Nicky Romero (party music), Limbo Remix by Daddy Yankee (latin/reggaeton music - I might also use it for Latin Ballroom Dancing), Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood (country music - which I normally tend to stay away from), almost every song by Drake or Eminem (rap music), Radioactive by Imagine Dragons (rock music), and anything by Josh Groban. My music taste is eclectic and all over the radar, but hopefully you get the point.

Any of these songs would pump me up - whether the lyrics strike me, the beat makes me wanna dance, or the song itself makes me feel on top of the world. It gets the job done & songs like these start my day - every day.

Anonymous: Is there anything in life that you feel is holding you back?

My Answer: Absolutely not. I'm not one to be held back by anything, including money. With the economy and the ridiculous tuition rates today, it's tough. But I would never step on anyone else to pay back loans or to gain a promotion that would pay me more. What I do now and what I'll do in my future are based on everything else except money. I know that I have a lot to pay back when I graduate, but I know it will all be okay and that things will workout. I don't let anyone or anything hold me back from the things I want to achieve. So, no - absolutely nothing holds me back. Including the things that probably should - people not approving of my choices, money, opponents trying to tear me down, others thinking I should reconsider certain choices, etc. The list goes on, but those happen in life. Nothing holds me back and I wouldn't pause my life for anything. 

Anonymous: Is there a place, song, or movie which reminds you of childhood? Or takes you back to that moment when life was simple?

My Answer: One of my favorite Disney movies growing up was Robin Hood -  you know, the sexy-sounding fox version. And for whatever reason, I always thought that movie was attractive. The amazing guy - who's also a bad boy but you go for him anyway - who sweeps you off your feet into some great fantasy romance life and saves everyone or makes everyone's lives better. That's the guy you fall in love with. 

I always loved that movie and I was watching it with some friends via YouTube last year. I always loved how everything was carefree when I was little, how I thought boys had cooties, and how fun everything could be. I'm still a little girl sometimes - I still enjoy the swing sets at the park near home and walking around my hometown in Jersey. But Robin Hood just made it all look so attractive, even in the eyes of a little girl. I knew everything had a way of working out - the money didn't matter because the greedy people were robbed, love had no limits despite social statuses, and everybody had somebody to share their special moments with. 

It makes life looks so easy when you're little. Then when you actually step into the real world, grow up, and experience life, you realize there's no knight in shining armor and the only one who can make you happy is yourself. And for some people, that's the hardest thing to understand. 

Challenge Week 5

Happy April Fools Day!

I totally noticed I skipped the 5th Challenge Week...
so here goes.

Ask any & all questions and I will get back to you!
Feel free to explore the last Challenge Week posts and checkout what others asked me!

I'll be taking all questions until midnight on Wednesday, April 10!

Happy Thinking :)

-- M