
March 31, 2013

Easter 2013 Pinspirations!






Hopes & Dreams in Philly

I usually take a bus home since it isn't expensive. Though most people prefer taking a plane or the train, I like the bus. The ride is a long way home to Jersey, but it gives me relax time - that strange sense of being alone even though so many people are around me. But they don't know me, I don't get nervous, and I can stare out the window for as long as I like while I think and listen to my music blasting the outside world away.

I took a different bus home, which means a different route. We cut through Philly to get to Seacaucus. I haven't been to Philly since I was little, when I was still Irish Dancing at August competitions in Philly each summer. My uncle used to live there, but got married and moved to Cali. My friend goes to school in Philly and I've been dying to visit but I've been nervous in a sense...the parts I've seen weren't visit-worthy. But when my bus drove through the Drexel University area, it was all pretty nice. City area, people walking around, checking out museums, eating some lunch outside. It made me want to go back to Philly.

I'm a city girl so I wouldn't mind living in DC or New York or Philly, or anywhere else with a ton of people and a lot to see. And I hope I end up with a legit job in an awesome city so I'll never be bored - there's my sense of adventure speaking. 

But it's true. I like traveling and after Italy, I promised myself I would do more of it! And Philly is definitely one of the next on my list.


My life couldn't be better right now and I have to say - I am sincerely blessed.

The Ballroom Dance Team I'm part of at school is being honored with a service award. I landed the amazing internship I really wanted at a hospital in DC, where I'll be working with the elderly next year. Though the school year is ending, my classes are going well and I'm planning to stay in DC for the summer - though I haven't been offered a job yet. But that's okay, I'm still looking.

Easter was great! I spent the weekend with my family and caught up on everything. We celebrated my grandma's 92nd birthday and went to mass. It was a great day overall, but I miss DC and I can't wait to head back tomorrow!

Happy Easter to all! 

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 Happy Easter pictures

March 18, 2013

I'm Marie



a procrastinator.
someone who loves 4 hours naps in the afternoon.
a Social Work major.
family and friend oriented.
usually oblivious to guys who flirt with me.
only 20, but less than 6 months till a legal drink.
a traveler at heart.
a fake Italian.
actually Irish.
a legit redhead.
a stay-up-all-night kinda girl.
not tolerant of anyone who likes John Mayor. Ew.
sarcastic sometimes.
allergic to idiots.
in love with foreign languages.
a super sweetheart and someone you don't wanna mess with.
not as pretty on the outside as I am on the inside.
a city girl.
loving my fuzzy socks.
happily single.
a serious fan of sun roofs.
in love with dark-haired guys.
seriously weird.

March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day (aka Ginger Appreciation Day)

This week is going to be the busiest week of my life. I have a ton of presentations, exams, papers, statements, work, and dance practices all lined up for this week. 

But my life is still eventful besides the regular school stuff. I was hit on by a random African American guy on the way to work last week. I was walking down the train platform and this guy says, "Well good morning beautiful. How you doin'?" But I just kept walking. I can't handle greedy men before 8am. 

While I was home for Spring Break, I was catching up with some coworkers from my Bingo job. A new (very young and attractive) man was hired while I was in Italy, named Jay. Jay is getting married next month - lucky him. So out of nowhere, when I went to visit my coworkers one weekend, he says, "So do you have a boyfriend?" Random. Totally out of the blue. "No, Jay. My love life is a joke." He gave me a weird look and said, "Well my best man needs a date to my wedding." Oh. Well that's interesting.

The guy never contacted me and Jay told me later that his best man decided to go solo. Which is fine. Good for them, I guess. 

Work is great, though I can't believe this semester is half over already. In the fall, I'll be a senior and I'm a little nervous about it. I recently had an interview for a medical group in the DC area, though I have no idea where I'd be staying. It's too expensive to live on campus during the year and I can't get an apartment right now. It's a little messy, but I'm going back for another interview tomorrow.

My love life is still a joke. I did like a guy but he had no idea I existed so I got over it. It was random too. I just woke up maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago and was drooling over this guy, but he's interested in someone else. Oh well. I mean I have guys staring at me on campus but unless they approach me, I won't think they're serious.

St. Patty's Day weekend was great. I was able to relax and go out to dinner with friends! I caught up on gossip and what's going on in the lives of my closest friends. 

I finally got a dance partner, which I was in desperate need of since we're looking to go to the Rutgers competition next month! I can't wait! 

That's about it for now :)

March 8, 2013

The Devil Wears Prada

I re-watched The Devil Wears Prada last night cause I felt like it.

It's actually really funny because Andrea's (Anne Hathaway's) issue in the movie is her fashion choices. Well, that's one of the issues in the movie. But that's kinda where I'm at. I'm an athletically built 5'4 at 20 years old. I'm no 6'7, slimmer than a piece of paper, 90 pound woman in her late 20s, early 30s (at the most). So while I don't look like a super model, that doesn't mean I can't dress elegantly for work. 

Granted, I wouldn't wear Prada, Marc Jacobs, or Gucci to work. But still - it's about presenting yourself. So every year, I try to splurge a bit on myself. Especially since I have a big girl job now. 

So here are some things, though expensive looking, might encourage you to look a little harder at Target's stash:


simple yet stunning

Anne Hathaway in Devil Wears Prada


wear to work

wear to work

Three piece suits are the best.

So save your slutty stuff for the clubs.

March 3, 2013

Challenge Week 4: Answers

Anonymous: When is the most memorable time a guy has hit on you? Like pick-up lines or something along those lines.

My Answer: Umm...if you're still using pick-up lines, good for you! Guys don't really use pick-up lines on me. I've been told I come off somewhat intimidating. Also, I haven't had someone ask me out in a long time. Sure, guys stare at me on campus and tell their guy friends I'm attractive, but I haven't had a pick-up line used on me. Which I think is strange cause my MOM has even had a pick-up line used on HER! "I lost my number. Can I have yours?"

"I better call God and tell him he lost an angel!"
"Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money?"

"Baby, you must be a broom cause you just swept me off my feet."

The last guy who liked me saw a picture of me on FB and left a comment saying he thought I was a stone cold fox. That's about as creative as it gets. 

I have yet to experience a guy using a creative pick-up line on me.

I give bonus points for totally embarrassing yourself/being super cheesy. The more public it is, the more bonus points. 

March Madness

I'm back home for Spring Break! I won't be heading back to DC until the weekend of 3/10 so my life will be kinda boring. But I did end up going for a 2 mile run last night with my dog - which I thought wouldn't be a huge deal.


I have a dog, Becky, a gorgeous German shepherd. She's getting older now and I feel bad because whenever I'm home, she just looks so depressed. So I make her go outside and run around and all that. Last night, I took her out for a 2 mile run and this poor dog almost had a heart attack. Surprisingly, she was slowing me down. Granted, she doesn't get the exercise she deserves...but still! She's so energetic around the house that I thought she would love running with me! Maybe I'll just put her through training this week.

Funny story time:

A friend of mine was heading home for Spring Break, but had to take the metro in DC first. While she was on the metro, a black guy sitting near her said, "Are you 18 and have a boyfriend? Cause if you're 18, I'm interested." To which she responded with a "WTH?" and texted me. Which was absolutely hilarious.

Life is great - until you realize you forgot to pack socks to wear at home over your week and a half long break. Whatever, I'm just stealing my sister's for now. 

But I think there's a guy at my school who likes me. Unfortunately for him, I'm not interested. And I know guys talk, so I told one of his closest friends that I'm just not interested. Friendship, sure. Anything else, nope. My love life is a mess and I'm one hard cookie, as my grandma loves to say.

Still, work is great. I'm applying for jobs already and I hope I hear back soon. Though I'll probably be spending most of my time in NJ for the summer, I still deserve a good job with my killer resume` over here. Even with the internship I have this semester, I'm making amazing progress with my Social Work skills which is great!

There isn't much to say, but when there is, I'll write another post!

Also, wth is going on with the Big East "Catholic" Conference? Geez!