
June 1, 2013

3rd time's the charm?

I've been really down about jobs lately. I stopped by an Italian Restaurant in DC after seeing an ad for open positions on Craigslist. I called them yesterday to double-check, making sure of the times I could stop by and fill out an application. Thankfully, I landed a hostess job at the restaurant and start Monday. Hopefully this job sticks, but the 3rd time's the charm right? It's a great place and reminds me of Italy, so I think I'll enjoy it. 

The weather has been really nice out. It's been hot and sunny. I've been wanting to go outside just to lay out, but I've been sleeping in instead. The only problem with the sun is that it wakes me up at 6am every morning. My room faces the sun when it rises first thing in the morning which is great for me because I love the view! But when the sun shines through my blinds at 6am, I wake up startled, thinking I slept until 2pm (which I DID do certain days this week).

I've also been a little depressed since most of my friends have left. Two of my friends left for home - one right at the end of the semester, the other right after the university graduation. A third friend, who I've been spending most of my time with, left on Wednesday. It just sucks that all my friends have been leaving. Another couple friends are living in apartments near campus, but they're far and I don't have a car down here. They're also working. Hopefully I'll be alright once I start working next week.

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