
June 10, 2013

Day Off

Apparently I'm not working today (yes, I landed an amazing part-time job). It's pouring rain out. What on earth am I supposed to do with myself? That's usually the question I ask when I'm not busy. So here's some random shit to do when you're free, bored, or have time off and have no idea what to do with yourself:


Play with your hair. This is obviously for girls unless a guy with really long hair is reading this post. Try something new with your hair. Side braid, fish tail, a new fancy hair style. Anything you like. Get on Pinterest and take your locks on a well-deserved fancy hair day!

Are your loved ones plotting to eat you?

Take some quizzes. There's a ton of stupid stuff to do online. Instead of sitting around doing the most logical thing - reading up on the news - challenge yourself by taking a silly quiz! Like this one: Are your loved ones plotting to eat you?

Picture of Shortcake Royale Recipe

Checkout some recipes. Whether you have all day or a couple hours, you always have time to find a quick recipe. Think about something you've been dying to make yourself, even if you had it in a restaurant. Bring your favorite treats to the kitchen and DIY! Need help? Skim through for great recipes for dinner, drinks, dessert, and more!

Arts & Crafts. Go online to look for fun and creative DIY projects! 

Window Shop. Online, at the mall, or around town, window shopping is the perfect way to get out of the house and enjoy the moment. That new phone, cute dress, or the perfect gift for that special someone can be found anywhere. You just have to search for it. You never know what cool stuff you'll find! 

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