
May 31, 2013

Unemployment: Week 3

When it comes to jobs and working, I'm not lazy - I get things done. I honestly can't tell you how many jobs applications I've filled out since January for a summer job. But it doesn't matter because I still don't have a solid job. Back in February or March, I had an interview with a Medical Group. They liked me and wanted to hire me for the summer. However, I couldn't commit to working there full-time for 2 years because of my upcoming senior year and Masters program hopefully after it. I had an interview with a Marketing Company near DC, but I had doubts and my intuition told me not to take it. So I called them to politely decline. I walked into a Chocolate Store in DC, asking if they were hiring. The couple told me yes, I was interviewed, and work papers were signed. However, they just emailed me the other day saying they need to hold off until after July due to store renovations, and there wouldn't even be a positive job waiting for me at the end of that road. 

Unfortunately, I'm totally stuck. But I'm heading to some restaurants today. Maybe something will come of it.  I feel like God is toying with me. Here's to hoping I'm employed next week...

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