
September 19, 2012

The Italian Man who was on me like white on rice

Remember my friend Katie wanted to set me up with some guy named Jonathan? here's what happened & why it was so crazy.

Katie & I left together from St. John's and took the bus to this place in Rome called Largo Argentina. We were meeting her boyfriend Luca & his friend Jonathan there at the bookstore by the bus stop. But when we got there, they weren't there yet. We walked around for a little while until we saw Luca. Jonathan drove his Mini Cooper convertible there, so the 3 of us got in his car & he drove us to this restaurant/bar place near Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano.

We ate french fries and had a couple drinks, but I was getting bad vibes from this guy the entire night. I couldn't talk to him in Italian without him making fun of me - either because I was saying something wrong or he was being an ass & misinterpreting what I was saying. He was just creepy. He was attractive, but really creepy and that turned me off entirely. So when we left, I was so nervous because I wanted to get away from this guy. But instead Katie wanted to go for a walk & this guy Jonathan had the keys to the car so I figured why not.

So we all went for a walk around the Piazza, which was literally down the street from the restaurant. He had his arms around me and we sat down on a bench in the piazza. He kept trying to get closer & closer to me, but I wasn't feeling it, which I think he realized because he shifted and gave me space. By this point, I was pretty tipsy, sick from the drinks, and mentally exhausted from translating. But I had to push through. I was sitting around thinking of simple questions to ask him while I thought through the pros & cons of the night. Here's what I came up with:

Pros: He's attractive. He has 2 jobs - a hip hop dance teacher & a vehicle salesman (for both motorcycles/vespas and cars). He speaks Italian & enough English to carry a decent conversation. Cons: He is super creepy & more busy undressing me with his damn eyes than he is holding a conversation with me. He flat out asked me what I thought of being in his bed with him & whose place we should go to. All he's been doing is trying to get me drunk, makeout with me, and get me in bed.

Yeah...definitely not liking this guy.

He DID try to kiss me. The whole painful walk back to his car. But I kept refusing him & told him I was difficult. He told me he liked me, but after that night, I told Katie I never wanted to see him again.

And that is what Italian men try to do when they think American women are easy.

Luckily, I'm not easy ;)

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