
September 2, 2012

8/29 - 9/2

Wednesday, August 29 - Sunday, September 2

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were all the same. Wednesday, I slept in because the only class I had was at 3.30 and it was Italian. Thursday, I woke up early for my Philosophy class & went to Italian class at 3.30. Friday, the only class I had was Italian at 3.30. But I had the worst night on Friday...

I decided to go out for drinks with a group of friends. We went to Campo dei Fiori, which is a square in Trastevere with a ton of Italian bars. A ton of college kids go there so I figured I might as well check it out. So I went with a friend of mine for dinner at a Chinese place. We had limoncello for dessert - which was absolutely delicious, but ridiculously strong because I was really giggly on the way to Campo dei Fiori. When we got there, the 2 of us were with maybe 5 other friends. So the 7 of us were walking around, trying to find the bar that everyone else was at (the other students went to a bar and didn't know where it was/the name of it). So we went into a random bar.

It was all you could drink for an hour for 20E. So we figured why not. By the end of the night, some of us were tipsy, mostly sober, or in between. I was inbetween. There were 4 of us who live in Prati, a neighborhood in Rome. I figured I would make sure the other 3 got home safely and I wanted to walk them home. After everyone was at their house safely, I walked into my apartment building around 2.30am. I went up to my apartment door and tried to open it with my key, but it didn't open. I realized my host mother locked the door from the inside and locked me out.

Thankfully a friend was still awake and took care of me for the night. But between the strong limoncello and the drinks I had at the bar, I didn't sleep much. But I had a great night until I reazlied I was locked out. But this makes me nervous because my birthday is on Saturday and I want go out with my friends. But I'm afraid to do that because I don't want to get locked out again...

I came back the next morning and my host mother was furious because she thought I never came back. I told her that I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open. And she said, yes because I lock the door from the inside for my protection. And I'm standing there thinking, What the hell is wrong with you? American college kids go out and don't come back until 3am. But they don't get locked out from their dorm buildings. She told me I had a midnight curfew. What American college student gets a midnight curfew? How am I supposed to go out, have fun, and come back safely before midnight? What the hell...I even told her I was going out.

But she stood there accusing me of stupid things, like bringing drugs and bottles of alcohol into her house. I guess she was assuming that since I'm an American college student that I do those things. And she locks her door because she thinks I'll bring strange people in too. She gave me this whole shpeal about why she locks her door. But it was...offensive. So when she decided to call faculty from my school, before she read the texts I sent her telling her where I was (because her phone was off when I tried to call her), she made my sound like I was so drunk that I couldn't get into the house. I don't know whether to be offended or if I should have presumed something like this would happen.

Either way, I'm nervous to go out this weekend for my birthday because I don't want to get locked out again. Hopefully she won't be paranoid.

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