
September 16, 2012

Men on Saturday Night in Roma

My friend Katie has been seeing this Italian guy Luca. Luca is a waiter at a restaurant outside of Campo Dei Fiori. So Katie and I went to dinner at the restaurant just to say hi to Luca & chit chat. It was definitely one of the most amazing Italian meals I've had here in Rome since I've been here! The restaurant is called something like DiBiaggio & Peppe, it's across from a gelato place and leads to Campo Dei Fiori. 

We had bruschetta (well I had the tomatoes & lettuce), a half litre of red wine, mineral water, prosecco, a huge plate of prosciutto & mozzarella, four cheese gnocchi, and a cream-puffy kind of dessert that I didn't catch the name of. I think we got there around 9 and didn't leave until 10.30 or 11. It felt so long, but it was fun because it was just Katie & I sitting outside, talking about life and slowly eating our Italian feast. OMG GNOCCHI IS THE BEST INVENTION EVER & THE US BETTER HOP ON TRACK!

Anyway, Luca was so sweet & didn't make us pay for the dinner, which I felt bad about because it was so much food. But Katie went to the bathroom & told the other waiter, who was checking me out all night, that I thought he was cute. So when she left the table, he came up to me and started talking to me in broken English. His name was Federico. (Yes, mom, he's dark-haired.) He spoke English well, but didn't really know that many things to say. But the rest he just said in Italian, which is fine by me. 

So this guy Federico came up to my table, shook my hand, asked for my name, and asked where I was from. I told him in Italian that my name was Maria and I'm originally from NJ in the US. (Which was hilarious because he originally thought I was Spanish - LOL.) So he told me that he liked NY and wanted to go to Miami, Florida because he's heard great things about it. I have no idea who lied to the poor guy, but whatever. I asked him if he liked Rome and told him I was a student at St. John's and would be here for another 3 months. But he asked if I went to St. John's in NY and I said no, I went to CUA in DC but the abroad program is connected to St. John's because we use their building. That's all we talked about until Katie came back. Then I think he got shy. 

I was briefly able to talk to Luca about the blind date guy I am meeting on Tuesday night. Apparently this mystery guy's name is Jonathan (English) but in Italian it sounded like Gia-na-tan. Which was weird. This guy "Jonathan" is dark-haired & has several jobs. One of which is a hip hop teacher. AWESOME. He's also Egyptian and Spanish, but he was born in Italy and speaks Italian & English well. Luca says he's absolutely gorgeous. So we'll see...

After Katie's failed attempt at trying to pay Luca for our amazing dinner, we went to the restaurant Abbey Theatre to chill with some of the CUA students who wanted to grab an American dinner before shots in Campo. Then we went to a small bar for Vodka & tonic and shots. But I didn't drink too much because I wanted to be home by a certain time & I had to walk home. But as soon as Katie left, 4 guys decided to sit next to me & hit on my friend Christine for the next like hour. It was crazy! This guy is a model who is modeling in a fashion show next month & wants to get us tickets to see him. Also, when I told him I was from NJ, he called me Snooki for the rest of the night. But his friends were alright looking, though I had to translate a little bit. They were a little...strange.

After we left, some of us stopped for gelato. Unless you were Shannon who bought a nutella crepe. LOL. We were walking to find a bus back to campus. But this random guy comes at the group of us with a camera while we're walking, shouting random crap & I told him off in Italian. Everyone was like Whoaa...Marie! Damn girl, what did you say? I was like, Don't worry about it. It was an interesting night, but then again it's always interesting in Italy. 

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