
September 15, 2012

Terrorists & Religion: 9/11-9/15

Where were you the day the World Trade Center was attacked in NY? School? Work? Were you rushed home early? Were you scared? Did you know someone who died? Or someone who was in NY that day? Or did you just watch it on TV? 

Everybody has their own perspective of that day 11 years ago. But it's hard to believe it's been 11 years. Some people are hardcore against Muslims since 9/11/01. Some people feel bad for them since everyone has been taking Muslim-hating to a whole new level - like this guy Nakoula B. Nakoula. Of course everyone has their own opinions about 9/11. It was a scary day. People lost husbands, wives, friends, and other relatives. Friends of friends, co-workers, etc. It was a whole new kind of attack against Americans with such simple ideas, such short time, and such a great consequence. 

But don't confuse Muslims (or anyone of the Islam religion) with terrorists. It could have been white Catholics, or Native Americans, or African American Baptists. The religion doesn't matter - the intent does. And it isn't really the fault of the people in the Middle East. It's actually the fault of the Americans. I love my country and all that, so don't think that I'm trying to choose a side - there should be no sides but peace. I'm just saying that Americans took 9/11 way out of hand. Society began to quickly blame Muslims & anyone of the Islam faith instead of the terrorists. JUST the terrorists. Who cares what religion or color these people are? What matters is that they want to harm others, especially Americans. 

If white Catholics were the terrorists, the US would be screwed. So let's not agree with these Muslim-hating extremists - it isn't their FAULT. The terrorists just happen to be of the Islamic faith. Don't cave into the belief that all Muslims are bad people because it isn't true! In fact, I have Muslim friends. They are not dangerous people, it is the intent that makes people dangerous - no matter what religion they are. There are also bad Jews and bad Catholics and bad Protestants. 

The American-hating extremists just happen to be connected to Islamic faith. So don't get caught up in what society thinks/wants us to believe!

With that said, I have to tell you my stories!

My prayers go out to the Americans who have died this week due to an anti-Islam extremist. If I could change the way some Americans feel about Muslims and create only peace between the US and Middle East to save these lives (and more), I would. However, who would believe a little red-headed white girl from the US? Not many, if no one at all. It was like a horror film, watching the images of the US Ambassador's body hung in a little room somewhere in Libya on the telegiornale (Italian news on TV). My heart goes out to the family of Chris Stevens, along with all those who were near & dear to him. How do we handle things like this? Can we stop the violence between Americans and the Middle East? Will this war ever stop? How many more have to die to come to a compromise? Or to peace? 
How many more militia must suffer away from their families in a country that is so harsh and unwelcoming? 

Will the Pope get his message of peace across to the Middle East? 

Wednesday to Friday were simple this week, but next week I have my advanced Italian oral exam & a paper due, though I feel like I have so much more to do. On Friday, my friend Katie asked me if I was free on Tuesday night, the 18th. She has a "boyfriend", a guy she met in Italy and has been seeing since. His name is Luca...and Luca has single friends. So Katie has set me up on a blind date with an Italian guy for Tuesday night. I AM SO EXCITED I CAN'T EVEN CONTAIN MYSELF! Apparently, he speaks better English than Luca, but I don't care whether he speaks fluent English or no English at all. I'm still speaking Italian to him. So I get to dress up Tuesday night, maybe go out for drinks with this guy, Luca & Katie, and enjoy my blind date with an Italian. I don't know his name, or hair color, or anything else. All I know is that he's about 23 years old and speaks fluent Italian - which is perfectly fine by me!

Friday night, I met and had dinner with the CUA students in the dorm building and some Loyola students. We went to a brief and fun talk about the sacrament of Confession, hosted by some of the soon-to-be seminarians of the area. We went to a restaurant near St. John's that was really great! I had steak while everyone else has pizza, but it was absolutely delicious! 

This morning (Saturday) I woke up & took a shower, which felt sooo good on a Saturday morning considering I usually take showers around 8-9pm. I went to the store and bought my internet stick & met up with friends. We all climbed the Cupola San Pietro today! (Which is the huge dome thing on top of St. Peter's Basilica - lol) It was amazing! Pictures will be on FB soon! (After 11:30am US time!) 

Then we went to a great Chinese place in Rome for lunch. After that, I went to get some gelato and went back to my apartment to setup the internet stick! WHICH WORKS! BECAUSE I'M WRITING THIS WHOLE BLOG & CHECKING MY FACEBOOK VIA THIS INTERNET STICK! WHOOOOOOOOOO!

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