
September 28, 2012

9/16 - 9/27

(I'm currently trying to put my pictures on FB in order so that you can read while you follow along in my photo album.)

Last I left off, I was telling you about the Cupola (Dome) of St. Peter's Basilica that I was climbing. Those were also the last set of pictures that I had on FB. I uploaded about 400 new pictures this week from the last 2 weeks of my life in Italy. Here's what I've been up to in the last 2 weeks:

9/16 - Sunday

I had the lazy Sunday Syndrome...badly. I slept in & woke up before 11am (yes, that is what I call sleeping in here). I got up, took a shower, and got ready to head to campus. I tried to get some work done, but I just couldn't focus at all. In the late afternoon, I went to mass with some friends to a church in Rome called Scale Santo, or the Church of the Holy Stairs. Now you might be asking yourself, Sooo what's up with these stairs? This church, according to legend, contains a flight of stairs which Jesus used while meeting with Pontius Pilate before he was crucified. St. Helena actually brought them to Rome, I believe. So yes, there is a special history to these stairs. You can use these stairs, but you can only climb them on your knees.

If you want to read more about the Scale Santo, check this out:
After mass, we all went to dinner at a local restaurant.

9/17 - Monday

For my Liturgy class, we met at Santa Maria Maggiore, one of the most important churches in Rome. It was absolutely gorgeous, as you can tell by my photos. We also went to the church of Santa Pudenziana & another church that I couldn't find on google maps (and can't remember the name of). The churches were all beautiful, so be sure to checkout the pictures on my FB.

9/18 - Tuesday

There are pictures on FB of a ton of groundwork. These are temples, where we went for Roman History class. Go through them, today was a little uneventful besides walking around the temple areas for class.

9/19 - Wednesday

My first paper for my Liturgy class is due Friday by midnight. I finished it beforehand, I just want other people to read it & see what they think. But I ended up writing this paper on the church of the Holy Stairs that I went to for Sunday mass. I had to write a detailed paper on the section of the church I was in for Sunday mass. I had to write about how the paintings related to the liturgy. The ceiling had a crack in it & Mary's eyes couldn't be seen in the painting on the ceiling. It was random but unique. I also have to study for the Italian written exam on Friday. The Italian oral exam is tomorrow & I have to study for that too. There's a given situation: the 22 year old daughter, who just graduated from college with her degree in architecture, wants to go to Australia with her rock band Australian boyfriend. The father has to give an answer. Each student is given 1 of 2 characters - they are either the father or daughter in this particular situation. I was given the 22 year old daughter. We (as a pair because I get paired with someone else) have to talk as fluently as possible for 5-10 minutes.

9/20 - Thursday

The Italian oral exam ended up going really well. My friend Sarah and I did well. I went twice because there were an odd number of people in my class, but it was really easy.

9/21 - Friday

The day of the Italian written exam. I was really nervous, but I think I did alright. I don't get my final grades until next week, but I'm done with my first Italian class. I get next week off for Italian classes & the week after, I start my next advanced Italian class.

I think it's really funny that my Italian school hosted a wine tasting for their students 2 hours before the written final today. I did sign up to go, but I got there 30 minutes late with a friend & ended up leaving because it was so crowded. We just decided to go for a snack/gelato somewhere nearby.

Knowing full well that I had to be up at 8am the next morning for Tuscany, I decided to go out for the Spirituality evening event. The program hosts a Spirituality evening every Friday night or so just to add a religious event to the week. It adds something different. Tonight it was a talk by 3 nuns living in Rome. Afterward, we went to a little restaurant for dinner. Then my friends and I decided to grab some drinks after the dinner (on our own, not with the nuns - that would be a little weird).

We went to the home of these nuns, who talked to us about the "Year of Faith" and the events going on in Italy throughout the year. 2 of the 3 nuns work for the Vatican. 1 of the nuns founded the website for the Vatican! After the lecture, we went for dinner to a restaurant nearby. Then my friends and I went to Campo Dei Fiori for drinks after. But after one quick drink, we all went back to our respectful rooms (apartment for me) and slept because we had to be up early Saturday morning for Toscana!

9/22 - Saturday

We got up early, as planned, and left on a very long bus trip for Tuscany! Today we went to Siena, which I think was the most gorgeous of all the towns we went to over the weekend. First we went to the Museo Civico and the Palazzo Pubblico in the Piazza del Campo. Then I got lunch with my friends and had some kind of cooked pork (Siena is known for their meats). After that, we went to the Duomo and the house of Catherine of Siena. Then we went to the hotel we were staying at both Saturday & Sunday nights - Hotel Minerva. I went out with friends to the center of the city for drinks, making sure I tried some Grapa (a whiskey kind of after-dinner drink).

9/23 - Sunday

We got up early, had breakfast at the hotel, and left to go to Arezzo. We walked through Arezzo, with time for an Italian mass (which was really different). We visited the frescoes of Piero della Francesca in the church of St. Francis ( Then we left for Castel del Trebbio, which was BEAUTIFUL! We had a large dinner with a wine tasting! We had the grand tour and wine tasting of the Castel del Trebbio with dinner ( Then we went back to the hotel.

9/24 - Monday

We checked out of the hotel & left for Pienza & Orvieto. I bought cheese in Pienza because they are known for their pecorino cheese! It was such a great weekend!

9/25 - Tuesday

For Roman History class, we went to the Tomb of the Scipios, one of the most interesting families in Italian History. We each got a ticket that allowed us to explore the tombs for an hour. We each got a hard hat & hair net to put on before the hard hat. That was the only class I had today. Then I went with friends to Piazza di Spagna and explored a local supermarket, which I realized is way cheaper than the snacks I've been buying from the vending machines at school. So maybe I'll buy stuff from there when I'm feeling better.

9/26 - Wednesday

I feel really sick today. Sunday I had a scratchy throat, but I'm just a mess now. The stupid weather keeps changing. Luckily I have time to relax because I didn't have class today, but I did have to go to school to work on a project with my partner. But whatever.

9/27 - Thursday

I've seriously had enough of the world today. Between life & being sick, I'm just fed up with everything & I've had enough. I'm way too pissed off today. It's just one of those stupid days...

September 19, 2012

The Italian Man who was on me like white on rice

Remember my friend Katie wanted to set me up with some guy named Jonathan? here's what happened & why it was so crazy.

Katie & I left together from St. John's and took the bus to this place in Rome called Largo Argentina. We were meeting her boyfriend Luca & his friend Jonathan there at the bookstore by the bus stop. But when we got there, they weren't there yet. We walked around for a little while until we saw Luca. Jonathan drove his Mini Cooper convertible there, so the 3 of us got in his car & he drove us to this restaurant/bar place near Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano.

We ate french fries and had a couple drinks, but I was getting bad vibes from this guy the entire night. I couldn't talk to him in Italian without him making fun of me - either because I was saying something wrong or he was being an ass & misinterpreting what I was saying. He was just creepy. He was attractive, but really creepy and that turned me off entirely. So when we left, I was so nervous because I wanted to get away from this guy. But instead Katie wanted to go for a walk & this guy Jonathan had the keys to the car so I figured why not.

So we all went for a walk around the Piazza, which was literally down the street from the restaurant. He had his arms around me and we sat down on a bench in the piazza. He kept trying to get closer & closer to me, but I wasn't feeling it, which I think he realized because he shifted and gave me space. By this point, I was pretty tipsy, sick from the drinks, and mentally exhausted from translating. But I had to push through. I was sitting around thinking of simple questions to ask him while I thought through the pros & cons of the night. Here's what I came up with:

Pros: He's attractive. He has 2 jobs - a hip hop dance teacher & a vehicle salesman (for both motorcycles/vespas and cars). He speaks Italian & enough English to carry a decent conversation. Cons: He is super creepy & more busy undressing me with his damn eyes than he is holding a conversation with me. He flat out asked me what I thought of being in his bed with him & whose place we should go to. All he's been doing is trying to get me drunk, makeout with me, and get me in bed.

Yeah...definitely not liking this guy.

He DID try to kiss me. The whole painful walk back to his car. But I kept refusing him & told him I was difficult. He told me he liked me, but after that night, I told Katie I never wanted to see him again.

And that is what Italian men try to do when they think American women are easy.

Luckily, I'm not easy ;)

September 16, 2012

Men on Saturday Night in Roma

My friend Katie has been seeing this Italian guy Luca. Luca is a waiter at a restaurant outside of Campo Dei Fiori. So Katie and I went to dinner at the restaurant just to say hi to Luca & chit chat. It was definitely one of the most amazing Italian meals I've had here in Rome since I've been here! The restaurant is called something like DiBiaggio & Peppe, it's across from a gelato place and leads to Campo Dei Fiori. 

We had bruschetta (well I had the tomatoes & lettuce), a half litre of red wine, mineral water, prosecco, a huge plate of prosciutto & mozzarella, four cheese gnocchi, and a cream-puffy kind of dessert that I didn't catch the name of. I think we got there around 9 and didn't leave until 10.30 or 11. It felt so long, but it was fun because it was just Katie & I sitting outside, talking about life and slowly eating our Italian feast. OMG GNOCCHI IS THE BEST INVENTION EVER & THE US BETTER HOP ON TRACK!

Anyway, Luca was so sweet & didn't make us pay for the dinner, which I felt bad about because it was so much food. But Katie went to the bathroom & told the other waiter, who was checking me out all night, that I thought he was cute. So when she left the table, he came up to me and started talking to me in broken English. His name was Federico. (Yes, mom, he's dark-haired.) He spoke English well, but didn't really know that many things to say. But the rest he just said in Italian, which is fine by me. 

So this guy Federico came up to my table, shook my hand, asked for my name, and asked where I was from. I told him in Italian that my name was Maria and I'm originally from NJ in the US. (Which was hilarious because he originally thought I was Spanish - LOL.) So he told me that he liked NY and wanted to go to Miami, Florida because he's heard great things about it. I have no idea who lied to the poor guy, but whatever. I asked him if he liked Rome and told him I was a student at St. John's and would be here for another 3 months. But he asked if I went to St. John's in NY and I said no, I went to CUA in DC but the abroad program is connected to St. John's because we use their building. That's all we talked about until Katie came back. Then I think he got shy. 

I was briefly able to talk to Luca about the blind date guy I am meeting on Tuesday night. Apparently this mystery guy's name is Jonathan (English) but in Italian it sounded like Gia-na-tan. Which was weird. This guy "Jonathan" is dark-haired & has several jobs. One of which is a hip hop teacher. AWESOME. He's also Egyptian and Spanish, but he was born in Italy and speaks Italian & English well. Luca says he's absolutely gorgeous. So we'll see...

After Katie's failed attempt at trying to pay Luca for our amazing dinner, we went to the restaurant Abbey Theatre to chill with some of the CUA students who wanted to grab an American dinner before shots in Campo. Then we went to a small bar for Vodka & tonic and shots. But I didn't drink too much because I wanted to be home by a certain time & I had to walk home. But as soon as Katie left, 4 guys decided to sit next to me & hit on my friend Christine for the next like hour. It was crazy! This guy is a model who is modeling in a fashion show next month & wants to get us tickets to see him. Also, when I told him I was from NJ, he called me Snooki for the rest of the night. But his friends were alright looking, though I had to translate a little bit. They were a little...strange.

After we left, some of us stopped for gelato. Unless you were Shannon who bought a nutella crepe. LOL. We were walking to find a bus back to campus. But this random guy comes at the group of us with a camera while we're walking, shouting random crap & I told him off in Italian. Everyone was like Whoaa...Marie! Damn girl, what did you say? I was like, Don't worry about it. It was an interesting night, but then again it's always interesting in Italy. 

September 15, 2012

Terrorists & Religion: 9/11-9/15

Where were you the day the World Trade Center was attacked in NY? School? Work? Were you rushed home early? Were you scared? Did you know someone who died? Or someone who was in NY that day? Or did you just watch it on TV? 

Everybody has their own perspective of that day 11 years ago. But it's hard to believe it's been 11 years. Some people are hardcore against Muslims since 9/11/01. Some people feel bad for them since everyone has been taking Muslim-hating to a whole new level - like this guy Nakoula B. Nakoula. Of course everyone has their own opinions about 9/11. It was a scary day. People lost husbands, wives, friends, and other relatives. Friends of friends, co-workers, etc. It was a whole new kind of attack against Americans with such simple ideas, such short time, and such a great consequence. 

But don't confuse Muslims (or anyone of the Islam religion) with terrorists. It could have been white Catholics, or Native Americans, or African American Baptists. The religion doesn't matter - the intent does. And it isn't really the fault of the people in the Middle East. It's actually the fault of the Americans. I love my country and all that, so don't think that I'm trying to choose a side - there should be no sides but peace. I'm just saying that Americans took 9/11 way out of hand. Society began to quickly blame Muslims & anyone of the Islam faith instead of the terrorists. JUST the terrorists. Who cares what religion or color these people are? What matters is that they want to harm others, especially Americans. 

If white Catholics were the terrorists, the US would be screwed. So let's not agree with these Muslim-hating extremists - it isn't their FAULT. The terrorists just happen to be of the Islamic faith. Don't cave into the belief that all Muslims are bad people because it isn't true! In fact, I have Muslim friends. They are not dangerous people, it is the intent that makes people dangerous - no matter what religion they are. There are also bad Jews and bad Catholics and bad Protestants. 

The American-hating extremists just happen to be connected to Islamic faith. So don't get caught up in what society thinks/wants us to believe!

With that said, I have to tell you my stories!

My prayers go out to the Americans who have died this week due to an anti-Islam extremist. If I could change the way some Americans feel about Muslims and create only peace between the US and Middle East to save these lives (and more), I would. However, who would believe a little red-headed white girl from the US? Not many, if no one at all. It was like a horror film, watching the images of the US Ambassador's body hung in a little room somewhere in Libya on the telegiornale (Italian news on TV). My heart goes out to the family of Chris Stevens, along with all those who were near & dear to him. How do we handle things like this? Can we stop the violence between Americans and the Middle East? Will this war ever stop? How many more have to die to come to a compromise? Or to peace? 
How many more militia must suffer away from their families in a country that is so harsh and unwelcoming? 

Will the Pope get his message of peace across to the Middle East? 

Wednesday to Friday were simple this week, but next week I have my advanced Italian oral exam & a paper due, though I feel like I have so much more to do. On Friday, my friend Katie asked me if I was free on Tuesday night, the 18th. She has a "boyfriend", a guy she met in Italy and has been seeing since. His name is Luca...and Luca has single friends. So Katie has set me up on a blind date with an Italian guy for Tuesday night. I AM SO EXCITED I CAN'T EVEN CONTAIN MYSELF! Apparently, he speaks better English than Luca, but I don't care whether he speaks fluent English or no English at all. I'm still speaking Italian to him. So I get to dress up Tuesday night, maybe go out for drinks with this guy, Luca & Katie, and enjoy my blind date with an Italian. I don't know his name, or hair color, or anything else. All I know is that he's about 23 years old and speaks fluent Italian - which is perfectly fine by me!

Friday night, I met and had dinner with the CUA students in the dorm building and some Loyola students. We went to a brief and fun talk about the sacrament of Confession, hosted by some of the soon-to-be seminarians of the area. We went to a restaurant near St. John's that was really great! I had steak while everyone else has pizza, but it was absolutely delicious! 

This morning (Saturday) I woke up & took a shower, which felt sooo good on a Saturday morning considering I usually take showers around 8-9pm. I went to the store and bought my internet stick & met up with friends. We all climbed the Cupola San Pietro today! (Which is the huge dome thing on top of St. Peter's Basilica - lol) It was amazing! Pictures will be on FB soon! (After 11:30am US time!) 

Then we went to a great Chinese place in Rome for lunch. After that, I went to get some gelato and went back to my apartment to setup the internet stick! WHICH WORKS! BECAUSE I'M WRITING THIS WHOLE BLOG & CHECKING MY FACEBOOK VIA THIS INTERNET STICK! WHOOOOOOOOOO!

September 13, 2012

9/4 - 9/10

The last week of my life in Rome has been quite interesting and extremely exciting, mainly because my birthday was over the weekend! But my birthday is not the only opportunity I have to go out in Rome. For class on Tuesday, my Roman History professor preferred we go to Largo Argentina, a small area in Rome made up of rocks and such. (But Rome has many areas of random rocks and such!) This area, Largo Argentina, is significant in Roman History – hence why my prof brought us there. The area was one of the many sites of temples. Largo Argentina TODAY (as opposed to the area in Roman History) is now a population of cats living on unleveled rubble. (Please note the pictures of cats on my FB.)
Largo Argentina has some of the oldest buildings, dating back to 3rd century BC. We know that these areas were once temples because they contained statues, probably made of gold and ivory. There are 4 temples that were found, but only 3 (maybe 3.5 if you take a really good look) were excavated. Why? Excavation is extremely expensive, which my prof explained in a very detailed manner…and I can’t remember. All I know is that it takes a lot of time and money to do it. Most of the 4th temple is underground, under a road. It’s pointless to excavate it now because cars, buses, and people are practically all over the road most of the day. But that’s Largo Argentina.
Wednesday – Friday afternoon were a breeze because I only have 1 class on each of those days at 3.30pm (until class times change later in the semester). However, I did have my first midterm. Yeah – first week of September and I had a MIDTERM EXAM. It was in my Italian class, which is intensely fast-paced. Right now my one Italian class is 3 hours, Monday to Friday. I did well on the midterm, which I got back yesterday with a surprising B+. But I’m slightly peeved that I didn’t get an A in Italian – but it’s whatever. I AM in an advanced class and everyone else gives me props for being in a 211 level class so I’ll just take the B+.
But Friday morning, after I was completely done studying for my exam, I was helping the beginner students study. By the sound of it, their exams were SO EASY. They studied numbers, UN vs. LA, and basic vocabulary (boy, girl, etc.). I was like…wth. They were also studying basic verb conjugations (I have, I am, I eat, I sleep, etc.). I was helping them all study though, so it was a nice little review for me.
Friday night, a whole bunch of people came out with me for my birthday! We went to a discoteca (club) in Testaccio by the river. We got a little lost on the way there, but it was totally worth it. It was called Coyote. The drinks were strong, the dance floor was lively, and I was getting hit on all night. It was fantastic. Two people bought me birthday drinks (because they were so strong I couldn’t drink anymore) & I danced all night with a ton of my friends. It was the best birthday ever – completely unforgettable. At midnight, we each had drinks in our hands and toasted to me turning 20! The guys were hot too. OMGG – my friend Sarah tried setting me up with one guy, but he couldn’t dance well. I found out he was from Argentina though…but not my type. Some other guy tried to pull me in to dance with him but he was older and creepy so I shook him off. And then my friend Ashley met this guy Marco (and got his number) and passed his Italian-speaking friend, Nico, off to me. Except I don’t remember what he looked like, though I remember him having dark hair, and I couldn’t understand what he was trying to say to me because the music was so damn loud. Foreign language + some drinks + loud music = I can’t understand a damn word you’re saying, dude. But my friends left with me and made sure I was good to get home. After walking around in fresh air, I was set. I talked to the bus driver to make sure we got back home safely without getting horribly lost (plus no one else understood/spoke much Italian) and I walked the 2-3 blocks home safe after getting Ashley a cab home. Everyone got home safe! I’m super anal about getting home safe – I texted 4 people when I got in.
It was so much fun. However, due to the previous getting-in-the-house-after-going-out situation with Rosa (my host mother), the faculty isn’t sure if I’m a party girl. I just laughed when I heard that and they’ve even asked me. So here’s an example of what I would tell them: You can ask any of my friends here – especially Shannon who lived with me sophomore year – I don’t drink in DC. I’ll have wine with dinner at home, sure, but I’m not a drinker. I went out once to see what Campo Dei Fiori was like & once for my birthday. I’m not even going out again until October or November, so it’s all good here. Now I have chances to explore Rome.
Good enough? Some of the Loyola students go out almost every night and I have no idea why. It’s so much money, the drinks here are expensive, and all they seem to do is put up pictures of the people who are completely toasted by the end of the night. Plus some of the Loyola students aren’t too friendly – they aren’t getting to know people from CUA. I’m not being mean, just making an observation. I’ve met tons of nice people from Loyola and I think some that I’ve met are really nice people. It’s just a shame that others don’t branch out.
Saturday was the program trip to Castelli Romani. My actual birthday! It was actually funny because I woke up to a bud of flower petals on my balcony. God remembered my birthday I guess? They were really pretty – a deep purplish pink. They are actually still sitting on my desk at home. All the students going on the trip left from school at 2pm. We took a bus down the Via Appia and walked around the area. We went down to the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian, as well as hundreds of other catacombs. It was amazing – I wish my dad saw, he would have had a field day with all of the empty tombs. And my sister would have had a field day with all of the Latin from pieces of the head stones and such. Then we went to Castel Gandolfo, where the Pope is currently living until he moves back to Rome. We saw the Pontifical Palace (where the Pope is temporarily living specifically) and the Church of St. Thomas of Villanova. After, we went to the town of Ariccia for dinner – which was actually a huge meaty feast. They gave us (for an appetizer) a bowl of mozzarella, 3 different plates of prosciutto, sausages, and another meat (I think it was a huge slab of fresh pork). For the main course, we had 2 different kinds of pasta – well I obviously didn’t but everyone was groaning about it. I had 2 roasted hamburger patties – Italian style. Then for dessert we got cookies! I was stuffed and couldn’t eat them so I didn’t have any. Then a good portion of us fell asleep on the hour and 15 minute bus ride back to campus. Mmm…food coma.
Sunday I was so horribly exhausted that I skipped mass. God will have to forgive me for a week. Monday, for my Liturgical Art & Architecture class, we met on site at the Church of St. Sabina. But I was a half hour late since I was really lost that morning. I was fine getting the bus to the metro, and then switching metro stops and got off in the right city, but when I asked 6 different people for directions, they all led me in separate directions…which is EXTREMELY unhelpful. Luckily my friend Ashley was lost too so we met up and hunted the Church down together. We made it and didn’t miss too much, thank goodness! The church was absolutely gorgeous, on a hilltop near the Church of St. Anselmo. They both sit on top of this huge hill that looks over most of Rome. Pictures are on FB!

September 6, 2012

Short Update & Link for Abroad Newsletter!

Nothing much has been happening recently. Classes are fine. My Italian class is 3 hours long, every day (Monday - Friday). Tomorrow I have my midterm exam for the class. Wish me luck! I think I'll need it.

If you want to checkout the monthly newsletter about my semester abroad, checkout the link: :)

September 4, 2012

9/2 - 9/3

Sunday, September 2

I had an awkward moment this morning. I thought on Tuesdays my Roman History class started at 9am, but it actually starts at 11am. So I got into class this morning & didn't see a handful of people I usually see in class. I checked my schedule & was like...oops. So here I am, writing a new blog post!

Sunday night I went to mass at a church in Rome called the Church of San Silvestro in Capite (

The Chiesa di San Silvestro lends its name to the square where it is located. The church is also known as 'in capite' because it boasts the head of Saint John the Baptist as a relic. The church has undergone various stages of restoration. The first took place at the beginning of the 13th century when the bell tower was added, and the next was between the 16th and 17th centuries when it assumed its present aspect. Other work was carried out during the later centuries. Famous names such as Maderno and Carlo Rainaldi contributed to this restoration work. The facade is richly decorated with capitals, pilaster strips, and an inscription. The facade also contains two huge statues. The church's interior is also interesting, and is entered through a portico rich in fragments of memorial stones and plaques. The Basilica is administered by the priests and brothers of the Irish Province of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate - The Pallottines (priests & brothers). This privilege was entrusted to the Pallottines by Pope Leo XIII in 1885."


Yes, I did see the head of John the Baptist. It was awesome. His head is in a glass lantern (pictures are on Facebook) that has gold edges, like book spines. The church was beautiful, very artistic. Everything on the wall, that wasn't glazed marble, was a painting.

After mass, we went for dinner at a little pub called Abbey Theatre ( They have American food - burgers, fries, etc. But I'm not trying to eat American food in Rome unless I absolutely have to (because seriously, it's Italy). So I got an Italian inspired steak & salad with some potatoes. Not too shabby considering the rest of us were splitting pitchers of Guiness, Magners, and french fries - LOL.

Monday, September 3

We met on site for my Liturgical Art & Architecture class at La Piazza di San Pietro e La Citta` Vaticano (the Piazza of Saint Peter and Vatican City). Because we met there in the morning, we saw the whole piazza in sunlight & it was amazing. We're studying meanings & symbols to look for in different churches. We went into St. Peter's Basilica, which was breath-taking. I feel like I've done more in the week or so that I've been here than most Italians have done their whole lives. Everything was artistic. Security was tight, but I can't blame them.

First you go through metal detectors, then the "clothes police" stop you if your skirt is too short or your shoulders aren't covered. The sun was beating down on us while Dr. V was giving us the historical shpeal of the piazza. I've always seen picures of this place but it was different since I was there.

I have no idea what I liked most. I love Michelangelo's art, like the Pieta`. I did see it & it was beautiful, but there is an overwhelming amount of art in the basilica. The doors had pictures of saints carved on them. The domes & ceiling were completely covered in art of angels and heaven. There were tons of tourists - TONS. I would guess about 600 people were there. But St. Peter's is the biggest church in the world. I think the second is St. Patrick's in NY. We saw where the Pope lives, where the black & white smoke comes from, where the Sistine Chapel is (although we're going there in November I think), and so much more. The amount of information you could learn just from going to these places and studying its significance is unbelieveable.

September 2, 2012

8/29 - 9/2

Wednesday, August 29 - Sunday, September 2

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were all the same. Wednesday, I slept in because the only class I had was at 3.30 and it was Italian. Thursday, I woke up early for my Philosophy class & went to Italian class at 3.30. Friday, the only class I had was Italian at 3.30. But I had the worst night on Friday...

I decided to go out for drinks with a group of friends. We went to Campo dei Fiori, which is a square in Trastevere with a ton of Italian bars. A ton of college kids go there so I figured I might as well check it out. So I went with a friend of mine for dinner at a Chinese place. We had limoncello for dessert - which was absolutely delicious, but ridiculously strong because I was really giggly on the way to Campo dei Fiori. When we got there, the 2 of us were with maybe 5 other friends. So the 7 of us were walking around, trying to find the bar that everyone else was at (the other students went to a bar and didn't know where it was/the name of it). So we went into a random bar.

It was all you could drink for an hour for 20E. So we figured why not. By the end of the night, some of us were tipsy, mostly sober, or in between. I was inbetween. There were 4 of us who live in Prati, a neighborhood in Rome. I figured I would make sure the other 3 got home safely and I wanted to walk them home. After everyone was at their house safely, I walked into my apartment building around 2.30am. I went up to my apartment door and tried to open it with my key, but it didn't open. I realized my host mother locked the door from the inside and locked me out.

Thankfully a friend was still awake and took care of me for the night. But between the strong limoncello and the drinks I had at the bar, I didn't sleep much. But I had a great night until I reazlied I was locked out. But this makes me nervous because my birthday is on Saturday and I want go out with my friends. But I'm afraid to do that because I don't want to get locked out again...

I came back the next morning and my host mother was furious because she thought I never came back. I told her that I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open. And she said, yes because I lock the door from the inside for my protection. And I'm standing there thinking, What the hell is wrong with you? American college kids go out and don't come back until 3am. But they don't get locked out from their dorm buildings. She told me I had a midnight curfew. What American college student gets a midnight curfew? How am I supposed to go out, have fun, and come back safely before midnight? What the hell...I even told her I was going out.

But she stood there accusing me of stupid things, like bringing drugs and bottles of alcohol into her house. I guess she was assuming that since I'm an American college student that I do those things. And she locks her door because she thinks I'll bring strange people in too. She gave me this whole shpeal about why she locks her door. But it was...offensive. So when she decided to call faculty from my school, before she read the texts I sent her telling her where I was (because her phone was off when I tried to call her), she made my sound like I was so drunk that I couldn't get into the house. I don't know whether to be offended or if I should have presumed something like this would happen.

Either way, I'm nervous to go out this weekend for my birthday because I don't want to get locked out again. Hopefully she won't be paranoid.