
May 13, 2012


I've decided that this page will be where I explain all the random things my grandma says to me. 
Everyone knows that on YouTube there are videos like "Shit my boyfriend says" or "Shit my girlfriend says".
This is officially the "Shit my grandma says" post. I will add more as the year progresses.
May 12, 2012

I'm sitting with my grandma in her living room eating popcorn and talking about what I recently planted in my garden. When the gardening conversation ends, she talks about relatives in upstate New York and what they are doing this summer. When she's done talking about relatives in NY, she says, "Marie, do you see those 3 small boxes on the chair?" I turned to look at the 3 ornament-sized boxes. "Yes, Grandma. Why do you ask? What are they?" 

She tells me they are the cremation remains of the 2 cats and 1 dog she had years ago - and I mean years ago. Then she tells me that she wants me to bring them to my house so I can bury them in my backyard somewhere. I told her I wasn't sure then told her that if my plants don't grow, I'll be mad and blame it on these dead pets. 

Grandma: "Before you bring them home, let me open the boxes. I want to see what kind of cans they were put in."
Me: "Why would you bother doing that?"
Grandma: "Well if the cans are nice, I'll keep them. You can have the cremations."

1 comment:

  1. Katie Fox5/13/2012

    Oh my god!!!
    The craziest things come out of that woman's mouth
