
May 10, 2012

My New Gardening Fetish

Today I discovered it is basically deadly to bring me anywhere near gardening supplies, especially when there are plants around. My dad and I spent a good amount of money today at the Home Depot buying seeds, plants, and herbs. I've been promising myself that I would plant things this year and, you know, actually make use of the garden that's been sitting out there for years with a bunch of crap in it. 

So I decided that I would plant flowers and veggies! Not to mention, this would most likely save my family a ton of money. Today, we bought strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce seeds, spinach seeds, an array of flowers, peppermint plants, chocolate mint plants (who knew those even existed?!), and a bunch of other small plants, like cilantro, sweet basil, and more. 

We'll see how well they grow!


  1. Katie Fox5/12/2012

    Chocolate Mint??! You gotta figure out a recipe for that one. :)

    Also - if your flowers survive you have to come over and fix ours. :) I bought Miracle Grow today so that might help...

  2. Yup - Chocolate Mint! Who knew such a specific plant existed?! I think it might be a hybrid plant or something like that. But yes - recipes for all! Muahaha!

    My dad has a specific type of soil that we use with whatever we plant. I think it's part nutrient, part special grow nonsense stuff. I'm sure Miracle Grow will help with your flowers, but I will help if it doesn't work :)
