
May 12, 2012


Congratulations to the Classes of 2012 everywhere! To my friends at CUA, to my cousin at UDelaware, and to my Alma Mater - Mount Saint Mary Academy High School graduates! You've made it - be proud. 

Today I completed the garden!
The garden that my family hasn't used in years. 

It's done - turned over, planted, watered. Done! 

And that is BRILLIANT because today is a BEAUTIFUL day!
It's hot out with quite a gust of wind. I went to my grandmother's house this morning to take care of her, I planted my garden. I feel extremely accomplished today.

Tomorrow, I go back to my grandmother's house in the morning and at night to take care of her. GCB has a new episode tomorrow, which I'm excited for. And on Monday, I start work and end the day watching the season finale of Smash. Since I've been home, I've been allowed to have tv shows to watch - it feels GREAT!


  1. Katie Fox5/12/2012

    How'd you like UD?

  2. I didn't go to the UD graduation. My Aunt is just having a graduation party for him since he finished up. I didn't even go to the CUA graduation even though a bunch of my friends finished up today! Maybe next year...
