
May 29, 2012

Crazy Little Things

Strange (but TRUE) things people have said recently:

"It's like having sex - you have to focus on what you're doing."
"His cat was Jewish...and it's name was Cinder."

I believe (Io credo)...

Here's a list of things that I believe to be true from life lessons.

I believe:
(1) every woman is a beautiful princess.
(2) every man is a clever liar.
(3) the physical act of sex is meant for you to have with one person - the one who marries you.
(4) money is useless - not everything is able to be bought.
(5) everyone can sing and dance.
(6) everyone is a bad drunk.
(7) friendship and love can be lost as easily as they can be won.
(8) both men AND women are extremely self conscious.
(9) that sex appeal unfortunately rules the world.

May 19, 2012

True Life: New Jersey

Everyone knows about shows like The Jersey Shore and The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

I hate these shows. Why?

Whenever someone from the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area or CUA asks where I'm from, I say that I'm from New Jersey. All of a sudden, you see this crazy look on their face and they think OMG! She's one of those idiots! But I'm not - at all.

I'm not Snooki - I'm not an orange basketball who gets passed around by all the guys. I've never been to a tanning salon, I've only had my nails done once (which I'll never do again), and I DO NOT - I repeat DO NOT - have a thick Jersey Shore accent. Those idiots are from the islands - Staten Island and Long Island. And quite honestly, they ruined New Jersey. 

Unfortunately, I was born and raised in NJ and I will always call NJ home. But there are things you DON'T know about NJ (that some Jersey folk don't realize either):

(1) CENTRAL JERSEY DOES EXIST. No more North vs. South nonsense.
(2) There is a town in Middlesex County called Middlesex. It's true - look it up. 

(3) Very simple romantic places exist in NJ. 

There's a town called Piscataway. Within this town is a Catholic Church called Our Lady of Fatima. Along this church is a railroad track and parallel to that, a river/lake. I'm actually not sure which because I haven't seen the end of it. I drive past it every day on my way to work and I love it - it's one of my favorite places in the area because it's like a little park. There's a gazebo that overlooks the water. Sometimes people take their little boats on the water during the day and you see fisherman on the gazebos on the water. Couples take walks in the afternoon along the sidewalk. Little old ladies read their books on the benches. And there's even a picnic area. It's quite romantic. Check it out. 

May 13, 2012


I've decided that this page will be where I explain all the random things my grandma says to me. 
Everyone knows that on YouTube there are videos like "Shit my boyfriend says" or "Shit my girlfriend says".
This is officially the "Shit my grandma says" post. I will add more as the year progresses.
May 12, 2012

I'm sitting with my grandma in her living room eating popcorn and talking about what I recently planted in my garden. When the gardening conversation ends, she talks about relatives in upstate New York and what they are doing this summer. When she's done talking about relatives in NY, she says, "Marie, do you see those 3 small boxes on the chair?" I turned to look at the 3 ornament-sized boxes. "Yes, Grandma. Why do you ask? What are they?" 

She tells me they are the cremation remains of the 2 cats and 1 dog she had years ago - and I mean years ago. Then she tells me that she wants me to bring them to my house so I can bury them in my backyard somewhere. I told her I wasn't sure then told her that if my plants don't grow, I'll be mad and blame it on these dead pets. 

Grandma: "Before you bring them home, let me open the boxes. I want to see what kind of cans they were put in."
Me: "Why would you bother doing that?"
Grandma: "Well if the cans are nice, I'll keep them. You can have the cremations."

May 12, 2012


Congratulations to the Classes of 2012 everywhere! To my friends at CUA, to my cousin at UDelaware, and to my Alma Mater - Mount Saint Mary Academy High School graduates! You've made it - be proud. 

Today I completed the garden!
The garden that my family hasn't used in years. 

It's done - turned over, planted, watered. Done! 

And that is BRILLIANT because today is a BEAUTIFUL day!
It's hot out with quite a gust of wind. I went to my grandmother's house this morning to take care of her, I planted my garden. I feel extremely accomplished today.

Tomorrow, I go back to my grandmother's house in the morning and at night to take care of her. GCB has a new episode tomorrow, which I'm excited for. And on Monday, I start work and end the day watching the season finale of Smash. Since I've been home, I've been allowed to have tv shows to watch - it feels GREAT!

May 11, 2012

Summer Trends!

The latest obsession - I feel more with females than males - is Pinterest ( There are tons of images and descriptions: recipes for what you REALLY want for lunch tomorrow, photos of outfits and clothes, pics of your new pair of really hot heels, ideas for your future wedding, celebrity pictures, images of what you want your future apartment to look like, etc. Check it out! Sign up and start pinning these pictures and ideas so you can save them - and give yourself something to look forward to over the summer! It's a ton of fun! 

If you sign up, you can checkout my pins and what I've saved - and what I love
Here's a taste of what I've "pinned"...and I only pin the best ;)

Hot Guys

Gorgeous Gowns

...and more! 

May 10, 2012

Family History

I have to admit, even though my Italian professor put the fear of God in me this year, she did bring up a good point - know where you come from. For months, I've been studying Italian (as you well know by now since I'm going to Rome in August) and I've discovered that...I have no idea where I come from. 

This realization scared me. The oldest person in my immediate family is my grandmother, my mother's mother, who just turned 91 this year (seriously, God bless this woman). So many times, Italian teachers from high school and college have asked me if I know what percentage I am (How Italian am I?) or what part of Italy my ancestors come from. The strange part is that I don't know how Italian I am. I only know that I'm Irish, Italian, and German...and probably some other things that were lost along the way.

But I don't know. I'm completely clueless. 

So I spent a solid 3 hours last night talking with my 91 year old grandmother about my mother's side of the family - the German side. And I learned all about it and more! But still, there are many questions that are left unanswered and it's scary. 

My grandmother is the only person in my family who knows all the history and information about my mother's side. When she dies (heaven forbid), all of that history and information goes with her. So I'm using all possible resources to figure out who was in my family, where they were born and where they are now (if they're still alive), and what secrets they took with them. 

My father's side is another story. 

My New Gardening Fetish

Today I discovered it is basically deadly to bring me anywhere near gardening supplies, especially when there are plants around. My dad and I spent a good amount of money today at the Home Depot buying seeds, plants, and herbs. I've been promising myself that I would plant things this year and, you know, actually make use of the garden that's been sitting out there for years with a bunch of crap in it. 

So I decided that I would plant flowers and veggies! Not to mention, this would most likely save my family a ton of money. Today, we bought strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce seeds, spinach seeds, an array of flowers, peppermint plants, chocolate mint plants (who knew those even existed?!), and a bunch of other small plants, like cilantro, sweet basil, and more. 

We'll see how well they grow!

May 9, 2012

Reading List - Summer 2012!

I am one of those people who will only read a book if it is very interesting, and I have to say, I have read some amazing books.

So if you're like me and you're looking for something good to read this summer, here's a list of a few of my absolute favorites (in no particular order)!

The Last Time They Met by Anita Shreve

(2) The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve
(3) The Choice by Nicholas Sparks
(4) Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
(5) The Path to the Spiders' Nests by Italo Calvino
(6) Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
(7) The Help by Kathryn Stockett

May 8, 2012

American or Italian?

Naturally when we think of Italians, we picture the pasta, cheese, cannoli, and wine that the Italian culture practically praises. I have never been to Europe, but I've talked to a handful of people who have been to Italy, especially Rome.

Each of them said that Italians can easily pick out who is American and who is not.

How can they tell? 
Can Americans pick out Italians in the United States?
Do these women look Italian or American?

1. Alyssa Milano

Many remember her from the TV show, Charmed. She married David Bugliari in 2009 in New Jersey. Italian or American? 

2. Elisabetta Canalis

Many remember her as George Clooney's flavor of the month. She is also known for competing on Dancing with the StarsItalian or American?

3. Margaret Mazzantini

Born in Ireland, this lovely red head is a famous writer and novelist. But is she American or Italian?

4. Paola Cortellesi

This lovely lady has starred in about 20 movies. She is an actress, voice actress, and singer. Does she look American or Italian?

Italian Basics

Buongiorno! = Hello! / Good Morning! (formal)
                                                                        Ciao! = Hello / Goodbye (informal)
Mi chiamo... = I call myself / My name is...
                                                                         Grazie = Thank you
Per favore = Please
                                                                         Il bagno = The Bathroom

Ho fame
 = I am hungry (In Italian, they say "I have hunger" instead.)


Sono americano/americana
 = I am American (male) / American (female)


 = Excuse me


May 7, 2012

My Introduction - L'Introduzione

My name is Marie - Mi chiamo Maria (in italiano).
I just finished my Sophomore year at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, a beautiful university that celebrated 125 years in April. 

I created this blog because I will be leaving in August to study abroad in Rome, Italy until late December. I'm majoring in Social Work and minoring in Italian Studies/Language. Over the last few years, including my time before college, I have treated learning about Italy like my personal hobby. Living in Italy is my dream!
Creating this blog is a big step for me so I'm really excited about writing my adventures in Italy online for you to read! Everything I learn and discover will come straight from me to your computer screen. This way, we can both learn about Italians and how they really live! Enjoy!