
February 25, 2013


I'm all over the place this semester. I love being busy because I'm a fast paced person - don't even think about an "in bed" reference. Being busy keeps me sane and makes me feel important. If I'm sitting around somewhere for 3 hours with nothing to do, there's a problem. And I'll most likely make it known.

I love making lists, schedules, or whatever else I can write down. That's how I live - by schedules. Now that I'm writing about this, I would certainly make an awesome princess! They're on schedules all day - I assume. Anyway...

Having things to do constantly is great. Now that I have more to do and I'm not in high school anymore, I know how to handle the stress. It's called a treadmill. And we've been great friends in the last year. But I know how to handle everything. That's why I'm a good leader and have a great work ethic. At least I think so. I get things done! I have a "no nonsense policy" which makes me, quite frankly, one hot and very badass worker. And I've had friends tell me how intimidating I seem at first. I feel like I'm on top of the world!

I do well in school, I workout (and work hard), and I have a great job! Whether I'm working at home over the summer or in school working, it's all the same. I can't wait until I graduate college, get a big girl job in the real world, and have my own place. Then I'll really be running things. But I do a lot now without entirely overwhelming myself.

Yes, I have my moments where I need to call my mom or dad and freakout for a half hour. I have really crappy days too where I need to sit in a friend's room and take out a pint or two of vanilla ice cream. Or cry, whichever comes first. Maybe even at the same time. But it's all the same - I still feel like I'm running the world and it feels amazing!

The fact that I'm 20 with the independence and maturity of an 80 year old is rare.

Mind over matter

Challenge Week 4

Dear Readers,

It's been a while. Too long actually. 

Challenge Week 4 is still here and ready!

I will be taking any and all questions until midnight on March 5th!

Ciao for now ;)

-- M

Also, read this: 

February 16, 2013

Harlem Shake

"Have you heard of the Harlem Shake? If not, it’s a recent internet phenomenon based on viral videos that feature a lot of dancing. Usually, it starts with one person dancing alone for 15 seconds, surrounded by others unaware of the person. And 15 seconds later, when the bass drops, the entire group joins in and starts dancing for the next 15 seconds."

I'm not sure if you've heard about this new dance called the Harlem Shake. It is one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. It isn't like the Cupid Shuffle or the Cha Cha Slide - those you could do at parties. This dance..."dance" meant to be put up online in video form.

Here are some examples:

Get the point?

Weirdest dance ever.

February 15, 2013


In Catholicism, Lent are the 40 days before Easter during which Catholics can give something up, symbolizing a sacrifice. Granted, giving up Starbucks for 40 days doesn't come close to the equivalent of Jesus' crucifixion and death on the cross. The point is that we understand what it means to make a sacrifice. 

Lenten Sacrifices include (but aren't at all limited) to:

HA! Pope resignation joke.
Just kidding. But really.

You can GIVE UP:
- cursing
- caffeine
- sugar
- candy in general
- soda
- Starbucks
- fast food
- procrastination
- ditching class
- Facebook and other social media
- taking the elevator --> use the stairs instead

- texting --> call people instead
- alcohol
- smoking
- meat
- chocolate
- sleeping in
- spending too much money over the weekend
- lying
- gossip
- stress
- clutter
- TV
- computer use

The list becomes lengthy very quickly. I stopped giving things up for Lent after maybe 8th grade because I figured improving myself would be better.

Things you can ADD during Lent:

  • Going to Mass more than once a week
  • Praying the Rosary
  • Attending weekly Stations of the Cross
  • Making time for personal prayer with the Lord
  • Praying with your family
  • Going to Confession
  • Quiet time
  • Commitment to exercise
  • Making time for your spouse/children
  • Sacrificing for your spouse/children
  • Affirming those around you (daily or weekly)
  • Being a better friend
  • Staying positive
  • Volunteering
  • Works of Mercy (feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, etc.)
  • Tithing
  • Getting enough sleep at night
  • Being on time

    Good luck!

If I could travel (more)

A friend of mine is spending his semester in Poland and the other day we were talking about places to travel to. Assuming I'll have an infinite amount of time to travel after college, I already have some ideas about where I want to go. There are a ton of places I'd like to see in Italy that I wasn't able to see while I was there last semester, but there are also places outside of Italy I want to see. So here's the list, in no particular order:

(1) Morocco

Morocco Morocco

(2) India

India Taj Mahal, Agra, India

(3) Bali, Indonesia

Sanur, Bali, Indonesia Beautiful Bali, Indonesia! Absolutely stunning

(4) France

france Versailles

(5) Germany

Germany Germany

(6) Egypt

Egypt Egypt.
(7) Prague

Prague Prague

(8) Brazil

Rio, Brazil Rio, Brazil

(9) Ireland

Ireland. Ireland

(10) Scotland

Scotland scotland

(11) England

England London #London, #travel, #BigBen,

(12) Israel

Israel Israel

February 14, 2013

February Pinspirations!

How cute!! This is a Fennec Hare...he looks like a kitty bunny. I kinda want one now :) Husky baby

anne hathaway


#113 Reasons to be Fitfit > skinny

Love this Proverbs 4:23

Yes it does...


Verona, Italy italy

The Return

Dear Readers,

I'm back. I know I haven't been writing much. Actually, I haven't written anything in almost a month. So let's play catch up, shall we?

Exercise: I've slowly been getting back into shape. Right now, I'm running about 2.5 miles - 3 days a week. I'm training for a 5k. I'm not sure which 5k to run yet since the 2 in DC that I was thinking about joining are both on days of final exams. But that's okay. I'm also slowly rebuilding my swimmer muscles. And oh man, it is difficult to get back into shape! Last time I went to the pool was about 2 weeks ago with a friend and I think I swam about 750 meters. I actually lost count, but I know it was over 700. I'm also back to Ballroom Dancing at school. However, I'm without a partner. 

Food: I've been cooking a lot this semester which is great since I'm gluten free, it's a healthier decision, and my meal plan is really expensive. It's going well and I enjoy it. It's actually a great stress reliever. 

Work: My internship is great. I work in DC for 8 hours a week, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I work at a facility that helps homeless and low income women by empowering them. I teach classes to help with job skills and assist with job applications. And anything else that relates to the women getting a job.

There are rumors I might be offered a sort-of translating job and may be assisting a company over the summer. Which requires me to fly out to California. Again, all this is rumored. 

Social Life: I've made time to go out. I saw Zero Dark Thirty with friends and thought it was pretty good. Though I think we should have a parade or something by thanking people that do things for our country. I don't think Memorial Day or July 4th are enough, honestly. 

Between running the Ballroom Dance program, working, classes, and whatever else I need to do, I'm still single. That probably won't change for a while. I enjoy playing Miss Independent right now and I really don't think anyone can keep up with me right now. I'm confident and happy. That's what matters.

I'm glad I can hold my own right now. Some people are getting on my nerves, but that's life. I've been dealing with things as they go and so far, everything has been working out.

Happy Valentine's Day ;)