
November 19, 2012

Challenge Week 1: Answers

Anonymous: I guess the main question I want to ask is what was your favorite moment you experienced in Italy? So far, there can still be more moments to be had.

My Answer: This is a really difficult question. There are a ton of favorite moments that I've had since I've been living in Rome. I enjoy getting to know the locals - the people at local bars and restaurants who enjoy seeing me, not because they know I'm spending a ton of money there, but because they enjoy talking to me. Everyone appreciates me here - they love seeing the red headed girl sporting her Italian fashion and walking down the street, totally vulnerable to guys gaping at her with dropped jaws and blurting flirtatious phrases. I love being mistaken for Italian - that's the biggest compliment for an American here. I enjoy being asked directions to a particular place, or where a certain street is, or which bus will go where. It's all these little things that make the Italian life much more worthwhile.

One of the best moments in Italy - so far - was when I went out for my birthday. In the beginning of September, you don't know all 50 people in your program in Rome. But for my birthday, I decided to go to Testaccio because I really wanted to go clubbing. I had great things about this one place in particular, called Coyote Bar, that was supposedly amazing. So I decided that I would go there and invited anyone and everyone to come out with me for my birthday! There were a nice group of people that came out with me that night to celebrate my birthday. Some friends bought me drinks, I danced my butt off, I ended up meeting some random foreign guys, I danced on a stage/table with my friends. It was one of the most memorable nights since I've been here.

Knowing that I have all these friends, most of whom I never met before coming here, was such a great feeling. And even better, they didn't mind coming out with me to a - what could have been horrible - club for a night. It was hands down one of my MANY favorite moments.
I'm sorry that was ridiculously lengthy, but I hope it answered your question.

Anonymous: Just want to start by saying these question posts are a great idea! So Thanksgiving is coming up and I was wondering if you had any plans? Considering you're in Italy and all, I was curious if Thanksgiving is any different there than it is in the US.

My Answer: Haha, thank you for your feedback! I felt like trying something fun & different, so I'm glad you're enjoying it! Italy actually doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving because it's an American holiday. Usually back home I would have a dinner with my family and we would take our time cooking. We'd watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV, which unfortunately I'm missing this year. But this year, I'm heading to Sorrento and Naples for a 4-day mini vacation! We're having a "country lunch/dinner" in Sorrento where they make buffalo cheese for Thanksgiving, which I'm sure will be fantastic! But I can't believe I'm missing Thanksgiving back home.

Italians don't celebrate Thanksgiving at all. Holiday-wise, it's literally Christmas after Halloween, and they don't even really celebrate Halloween. But Christmas lights have already been put up here around stores and at outside restaurants. The stores have already set up their Christmas themed stuff in the windows and everyone is stocking up on fur coats, boots, hats, and scarfs. They do absolutely nothing for Thanksgiving. I've also heard from friends that have previously studied abroad in Rome that turkey is very difficult to find. They don't just sell turkey in stores like they do back home. The meats here are usually beef, chicken, pork, and anything else I'm forgetting other than turkey. Weird, huh?

Anonymous: There's this girl, we dated for almost 2 years. Except she was really distant from me towards the end of our relationship and eventually we broke up. I found out from a friend that she was cheating on me. Now she wants to get back together. I'm not sure if she's truly sorry for what she did or if she's just missing me b/c she feels all alone in college. I know you can't tell me what to do, but if you don't mind telling me what would you do if you were in my shoes?

My Answer: I'm sorry this happened to you. I've been cheating on more than once, unfortunately and I know how this goes - you want to get back together because you think you love them, but in reality, they'll probably do it again. Not only that, but you will never EVER be able to trust them again. Ever.

This might not be what you want to hear now, but I promise you'll move on to bigger and much better things. Say hell no, stand your ground, don't cave or give in. You're an amazing person who deserves much better than her crap. That's what I would do and HAVE DONE - I gathered up all my emotions and courage, said hell no, never caved in to second thoughts, and moved on to bigger and better things. :) Check this out:


  1. Anonymous11/26/2012

    do they really think you're italian? wouldn't they think you're irish?

  2. It depends on the people. I've heard some guy say, "OMG SHE'S FROM SCOTLAND!" Which was really weird. I've heard a teenager say, "Look at the Sicilian!" Wait...what? I've been to restaurants and the waiters have immediately pinned me as American. The red hair is rare in Italy, most women fake it poorly. But when they see a red headed girl speaking Italian, they look at you like you have 6 heads. It's quite priceless.
