
October 10, 2013

US sits on its balls: Government Shutdown

Living in DC has some incredible benefits. Not only have I been in the area to experience the unfortunate Navy Yard shooting, but I've also experienced the second government shutdown in nearly two decades. 

Navy Yard

My heart and condolences go out to those who have been affected by the Navy Yard tragedy. I almost ended up working there and I could not imagine what those poor civilians have been through. This event makes the nation question a lot of things. For example, how many shootings does the US need to witness to crack down on gun control? Also, how are we allowing mental unstable citizens own guns? And is our mental health care facilities doing their jobs? The US has been forced to question all of these things. Not only are our citizens affected by these massacres of innocent people, but it has gone so far as to affect the veterans! Our veterans should not have to worry about their safety away at war AND at home!

Government Shutdown

What the hell? We have people in the government and their jobs are to not agree to disagree, but to make everyone's lives miserable. (Not really, that was greatly exaggerated. But seriously.) Get a grip government. Do you know how many people WON'T be able to be compensated after FINALLY coming to an agreement?

The furloughed workers related to the government WILL BE compensated. Organizations like WIC and HeadStart programs are not able to receive enough money through funds to support families. Single parents are temporarily quitting jobs, losing their pay, to stay home because they are unable to pay for their child's day care program on their own. Those who were eligible for food stamps may not be eating much this month. Museums and monuments in DC have been closed, though citizens are ignoring the police and the signs meant to close them off. DC Police aren't ticketing misparked cars, though they will ticket you in MD and VA and college campuses in the area. Tourists are confused. Veterans are breaking entries into the WW2 Monument (which I am all for - GO GET 'EM!) and the government just passed (in the last 48 hours) some piece of legislation agreeing to give families of deceased militia their benefits. Holy hell. you say? It isn't even close to stopping there. The FDA isn't checking food so the food isn't 100% safe. If an outbreak happens, the CDC is down for the count too. So do we deal with disease?

Vendors near government buildings WON'T be compensated. Because of the shutdown, there aren't as many tourists. There aren't even government workers bustling around DC to get to work and aren't paying for their sketchy corner hot dogs during their lunch breaks. Which means - NO MONEY FOR THE VENDORS. They're also losing money. They aren't the only ones. The list continues...but what are these furloughed workers doing in their free time? Getting work done, trying to find an agreement or a way out before the national debt is due?



Congrats, America. We've hit a new low.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to love this *sarcasm hand raised*
