
October 17, 2013

Government Shutdown: They finally did something!

The Government Shutdown is finally no more. Conveniently right before the deadline. The final compromise? Raise the debt ceiling some more - now the US is in debt somewhere about $16.7 trillion. 

Checkout what this random guy, Dave Manuel, has to say on his website:
I randomly found it online when I was trying to find the national US debt and learned some interesting things. Whether it's credible or not is completely up for debate.

Google says that the US population, as of 2012, was about 313.9 million. 
16,700,000,000,000 / 313,900,000 = $53, 201.66 = the debt total for each person in the US.
Crazy, huh? Guess we'll wait until January or February to see what's next. Maybe another government shutdown?


I ran a 5K today for the first time in a while. I also realized that I'm a laundry hoarder - unfortunately, I'm the college student that waits a solid couple weeks until I decide to do laundry. I know I need to do laundry when I'm using my bikini bottoms as underwear. Okay, MAYBE I did that once...or twice.

Anyway, running felt so good. Thank goodness for the gym. I need to exercise more, geez. I was going pretty steady last summer, but now I just feel like a lazy bum. 

Umm, so the guy who was supposed to play Christian Grey in the 50 Shades movie dropped out because he was afraid of the fame. Whaaatt. 

Charlie Hunnam

Charlie Hunnam, how could you do this to us!?

What a shame. 

There isn't much else to report, but I'm trying to keep my blog steady right now.

Stay chill, folks 


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