
September 21, 2013


The dorm building I live in this year has 3 elevators. The middle one, until recently, had been shutdown due to maintenance and the fact that it just hasn't been working.

When it was working this week, I thought it would be fine. WRONG.

I live on the 7th floor. I took the middle elevator to the 1st floor to let in a friend. However when I went to exit the elevator, the doors opened wide and abruptly shrunk to a narrow opening. I thought, I just need to get out of the elevator! and went to walk out. 

Because my attention was on the doors trapping me in the elevator, I didn't look down to see a 6 inch difference in the floor of the elevator and that of the 1st floor. So when I went to exit the elevator, I flew onto the floor because I tripped. 

Thankfully no one saw this happen. But I don't trust the middle elevator anymore.

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