
May 31, 2013

Unemployment: Week 3

When it comes to jobs and working, I'm not lazy - I get things done. I honestly can't tell you how many jobs applications I've filled out since January for a summer job. But it doesn't matter because I still don't have a solid job. Back in February or March, I had an interview with a Medical Group. They liked me and wanted to hire me for the summer. However, I couldn't commit to working there full-time for 2 years because of my upcoming senior year and Masters program hopefully after it. I had an interview with a Marketing Company near DC, but I had doubts and my intuition told me not to take it. So I called them to politely decline. I walked into a Chocolate Store in DC, asking if they were hiring. The couple told me yes, I was interviewed, and work papers were signed. However, they just emailed me the other day saying they need to hold off until after July due to store renovations, and there wouldn't even be a positive job waiting for me at the end of that road. 

Unfortunately, I'm totally stuck. But I'm heading to some restaurants today. Maybe something will come of it.  I feel like God is toying with me. Here's to hoping I'm employed next week...


There are a couple of goals I have for myself after I graduate college and finish my undergrad degree. I decided I'm going to apply to 4 universities for MSW programs in the US: in DC, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and California. I don't want to return home to NJ after college - there's nothing left for me there.

The more I think about the future, the more excited I am for it. Most of my friends are nervous about it. I can understand both sides - the uncertainty and the fear of the unknown is scary. But I'm ready to embrace it.

There are quite a few things I'm interested in, but here are 2 definites:

An apartment. I've been living in DC for 3 years now. I would love to stay here for my Masters and get an apartment in the area - DC, MD or VA. There are a ton of nice places around. One of my favorite buildings is in Baltimore, MD. It's the Windsor Community in Baltimore. They're really nice and look extremely expensive. But it's right on the Harbor and they're gorgeous. It's one of my long-term goals, but I'll keep dreaming for now.

A dog. If I don't have a boyfriend, I'm gonna need to count on some anti-gun protection. A dog is perfect, plus he could be my morning running buddy! I like having something to come home to and pet owners are the happiest! So I'm trying to keep an open and healthy mind - Husky is the way to go.

May 22, 2013

Writing This Wrong

Grant me the Serenity to accept things I cannot change,
Courage to change things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

I'm tucked away in a different part of campus. The last few weeks have been a complete breeze-by: final exams, goodbyes, graduation. For each person, I feel at least one of these is extremely difficult. I'm now a senior, just finishing my junior year in college. It's anxious and exciting - I love it. I'm able to think about the future realistically now because it isn't just a dream that's years off. A handful of friends graduated last week - friends, friends of friends, family of friends, etc. I know a lot of people who have graduated this year.

So cheers to the Class of 2013!

I'm staying in DC for the summer, still looking for jobs (plural) to take on. I've gotten some great offers but soon I'll have some income. I moved from my single room in one building on campus to another - shifting from one huge room of my own to one small room of many in the apartment suite. I moved my friend and myself into our rooms in the Sunday DC rain.

It took two days to figure out where to put everything in my small room. But I love the building - the Taj Mahal of college dorm buildings. The side I'm on overlooks the DC metro and looks out to the city. Thankfully when the fall semester comes, I only need to move 4 floors up to the 7th floor, where the huge kitchen/lounge open it's arms to the crazy, eventful, crime-ridden, majestic city that is DC.

Though my room is small, my desk faces outside the window so I get a nice view. Today is the first day it's been sunny since Friday night or Saturday - it rained the day of graduation. So I appreciate the weather, even though the DC heat is unforgiving and the sky is cloudy. The humidity makes my skin feel sticky and makes it difficult to travel for groceries - and bring them back.

There's a strong breeze today. The tree - unfortunately smack outside my window (and only MY window, naturally - is being blown to and fro. The leaves are bright green, as are the rest of the trees surrounding Brookland in Northeast DC. I never had a view like this in Italy - it was the 5th floor balcony view of traffic, adult conversations outside stores, men in suits on their way to work. DC is different.

I'm a converted city girl, though I've always known it in my heart. I'm fast-paced and a people watcher. I'm always looking for a good place to sit for 2 hours and watch everyone pass. The confused looks on the faces of tourists, excited kids on a weekend trip in DC, and the aggravated DC natives who are constantly pissed by them all - they're all here and you see everything.

You are Braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem, and Smarter than you think.

When one of my best friends left some books for me. They were ones she didn't want to keep after her Psychology of Aging class was over. So I took them! One of them is called Losing My Mind by Thomas DeBaggio. I'm halfway through it and it is fantastic! It's about the author, Thomas DeBaggio, who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's at 57 years old. He writes about his depleting memory and everything he goes through. It's an intimate look as Alzheimer's disease. And the book is well done.

Here's to summer 2013 and all the memories it brings!

May 4, 2013

Finals Week

Let's face it - all are totally true.