
July 2, 2013

Depths from the Past - Part 3

The Solution

Why did I write those 2 horrifyingly scary posts? Don't worry - I promise I'm not that person now.

A few things have come to my attention recently.

1 - What the hell are your kids doing on Facebook and Twitter?

If your child is under 18 and has a Facebook, I don't think that's smart parenting. When I was in middle school, MySpace was the big thing. Everyone at that age gets in trouble since they're still working on their "identity". They don't even who their true friends are. I can understand if your child might be traveling during the summers for some academic or sports programs and meet people from around the world. They want to keep in touch - I can appreciate that. If any adult looked at their child's Facebook, Twitter, or whatever page, I'm sure they'd be surprised. When you get older, especially when you grow up in college, you realize that the younger kids are aggravating as shit online. I don't want to see 50 posts about how depressed you are because some guy doesn't like you. You sound like Taylor Swift and someone needs to smack the shit out of you. Some parents don't even know what their kids are doing - smoking, drinking, going to parties they shouldn't be at. It explains where they REALLY were last Saturday night. 

Dear Parents, please be smarter about this.

2 - Mortality in Youth

In the last 5-10 years, the suicides in youth across the country have escalated. It can be due to a ton of things - being gay, bullying, complications with identifying themselves, etc. There are millions of things. Also DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE. What the hell is wrong with you? Accidents while texting and driving are becoming more popular than drinking and driving! KNOCK IT OFF. My family KNOWS I don't take that crap while I'm in the car. Do you WANT to kill me? Worse - do you WANT to be responsible for the death of someone else in another car? Your kids shouldn't be texting while driving either. I don't care how much that fancy iPhone 24 costs! IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE PLAYED WITH WHILE DRIVING. So kids, stop taking pictures of yourself behind the wheel. I can meet you at a red light to see you smile while driving. No one cares. Get your shit together.

If the world can change one or both of these things, I think the world would be a little better.

There are many little things we say and do everyday that can make or break someone. If you changed one little thing, how big could the solution be? If you could figure out why your child really doesn't like going to school? If you could make a difference in someone's life? 

How big would the change be?

The point in posting those experiences I had weren't to freak out my readers. The point was to understand that kids actually feel that way today. They go through worse today because there's so much crap in the world. 

I'm a happy & healthy soon-to-be 21 year old. I run almost every day and swim every week. I have Celiac Disease, but I love to dance. I enjoy choreography, reading books, and listening to great new music! I go to church every week and believe in God. I pray every day and I'm honest. I love Social Work & I can't wait to help people once I graduate college. I'm passionate about many things, including the youth today. 

It pains me to see the youth today deal with situations that scar so deeply, but they can be fixed so simply. 

Depending on whether this was scary or inspirational, I hope you understand my reasons for these posts. 

For my parents who are probably reading all this and freaking out: I was strong then & I'm stronger now. 


  1. Anonymous7/02/2013

    I'm glad you wrote this... you shared a part of yourself and a part of your life that you may not have enjoyed while it was happening but I'm glad it happened. Because whether they were good or bad, those incidents made you who you are today. The person you are today is one amazing individual. Keep growing and changing for the better

  2. Everyone has parts of their lives that they didn't enjoy. It makes for life experiences you can teach others :)

  3. Anonymous7/08/2013

    These last few posts have been incredibly deep and remind me to a great extent of my own past and, at times, present. I wish I knew you in person after this

  4. Anonymous8/04/2013

    So that's that then? Off to a new adventure beyond these pages?
